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He wiped the blood from his face, the poor animal laid lifeless in front of him.  The poor thing had put up a fight but it wasn't enough.

The sun's rays bounced through the woods echoing A sense of magic and ushering in the darkness.

He was getting late, he needed to get back to camp before the rest get riled up.

With a swift move of both his hands he pushed the dead dear on his shoulder,its blood cascading slowly down his back socking his yellow jacket.

The yellow jacket. His yellow jacket, him, his friend.

"Noah you're back just in time for dinner," a short figure came into view her red hair tied into a high ponytail.

Noah thought about how long it's been. He's never been a Family Guy. He was never one to have friends. But yet here he is with his crew of misfits trying to survive, making a home from where there was death.

And it was all because of him, Adam.

"Noah are you okay? " Sara asked her brows ever so slightly

LINEAGE: From the Ashes (The Lineage Series ) #Book1Where stories live. Discover now