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Before this chapter starts I'd just like to thank all of the people who have had time to read this book. thank you so much, if you like the book and have some questions, you want to know more about me, or want to just talk about the plot of the book, feel free to inbox me, or comment, I'll be happy to hear from you.

                                                                           A_J Harper❤

Beatings, questions, beatings, sleep then beatings.

A routine. 

My routine, ever since they took me from the camps three weeks ago it has been nothing but pain.

I can't walk, both of my legs and hands are broken, and judging by the pain in my rib cage I'd say those were broken too.

Tell me what you know!!

Dave screamed those words in my face every day his voice laced with anger. even when I pleaded, even when I told the truth, even when I gave up. But now I can't answer, I couldn't answer, how could I, I knew nothing and my jaw was broken.

How did he expect me to respond?

 two weeks ago I found out that the helpful stranger, the stranger who held my hand, the stranger who gave me comfort when I was begging for death was the contractor. That's what they called him.

He always stood aside and watched, his face concealed with the ranked guard mask.

He watched the beatings, watched my pain.

But he helped. in a way, he did help me just by being there, just by knowing that not everyone wanted to hurt me, to break me. sometimes there is just that one person, who's presence gives you hope. He gave me hope

Slumber had become my getaway, I now slept on the cold floor of the room, not moving, eyes closed, not dead just, existing. On the cold, dirty cement floor that scratched and tore at my flesh was where I escape and dream about what my heart truly desired. home, family, freedom.

The door opened. I didn't have the energy to open my eyes, I was just going with the motion, like the sea waves that succumb to the thunderous commands of the wind. 
I had surrendered a long time ago.

"Your being moved kid,  the professor wants a test dummy, and you got picked. "

Professor? Test dummy?  What was Dave talking about?

I hissed when I felt two men carry me up from the floor, the pain of being moved caused adrenaline to rush through me allowing me to open my eyes.

Everything was blurry,  I kept fading in and out of consciousness.

Eyes open, eyes shut, eyes open, eyes shut.

I saw glimpses of things. A hallway,  stairs, then the color green, trees.
Then darkness.

"Adam, Adam wake up, " A voice called out my name.

I opened my eyes, a bright light flooded my vision,  and then a laugh.

Beatrice was hovering above me smiling, making the thin lines near her eyes come alive.

"well you've been asleep for a while, come on, you're going to help me gather up fruits to trade today," she said while walking out of the room.

I jumped off the bed and ran to join her.

We walked silently through the camps passing the guards and into the forest.

Beatrice began to hum a tune she always hummed.

We just went about the day picking barries and some edible greens. the silence was peaceful, calming even.

"Adam! " Beatrice screamed out my name, her scream consuming the once peaceful forest air. I turned around and there was fire, hot scalding fire all around me, and there was Beatrice, on fire just screaming, crying, begging for help.

I tried to move but I was couldn't I was stuck. I tried willing my body to move, every muscle every nerve, I tried to move! but I just couldn't, I just couldn't save her 

I just watched as she screamed for me, I watched as she begged for my help. I felt tears roll down my eyes. 

No God please no.

"Beatrice! Beatrice!"
I kept calling her over and over, and over and over, no response just screams of pure agony that filled my now trembling body with dread.

I sat up screaming, hands we're trying to hold me back.
But I just kept screaming, Beatrice!  Beatrice!

"calm down, calm down!"

A needle pricked my arm. There were people around me all wearing white, I felt my body weakening, I couldn't keep my eyes open.

What were they doing to me, what did they do.

Darkness threatened to consume me, and I let it. I fell limply back onto the bed.

It keeps beeping, can someone just stop the beeping, I thought.
I didn't know how long it's been since the beeping started all I know is that it was driving me wild.

I opened my eyes and I was met with a bright light,  it took some time for my eyes adjusted.

I was in an infirmary?

When I was fourteen I got into a fight with the shelter boys.  I came out of that with some cuts and a stab wound.

Beatrice took me to the shelters infirmary.

They patched me up, but I still remember it, the rusted scalpel the blood-stained wall, the smell of vomit, mixed with rubbing alcohol.

But this place was different, it was, it was, it was.


Everything white, the tiled floor, I've only seen tiles on the shelters bar, and even then they were just a mixture of broken tiles fit together.

The walls were also white, the bedsheet, the bed, the couch the...

What is this?

There was a tube sticking out of my hand and another one on my nose.

What is this?

A door opened.

I officially hate doors, every time a door opens,  it's not a good thing.

A woman entered, she looked familiar I don't know why?  Maybe it's because of the way she walked, or I had seen her somewhere before.

But then again, she looked too well kept to be from the shelters.

"Adam, your awake, how are you feeling sweetheart? "she asked.

I didn't respond.

I tried to respond but I couldn't, I couldn't move my jaw.

"Oh right, sorry I forgot, you broke your jaw, my name is doctor Elizabeth Chase by the way," she said with a week smile as she walked towards me, she stopped at the machine, looked at it and then took some notes.

I reached up to take the tube out of my nose but she held my hand.

"no don't it'll help you," she said as she placed my hand down again. "Adam, we'll be running some tests on you for a couple of months, nothing painful. just some injections, and some mental exercises, It's mostly for your own good."

I nodded showing that I understood.

She seemed kind. I could trust her, couldn't I?

LINEAGE: From the Ashes (The Lineage Series ) #Book1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat