One Year Anniversary

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Hello, Haru here,

I'm writing this chapter as a special to celebrate Broken Flower's first anniversary. I published the book in August 2018, more or so the book already reaches it birthday (lol). I thank everyone for the support and patience all this time.

I just want to ask a few questions since this book is coming to an end soon. There are only a few chapters left. I really appreciate it if you guys can join along.

So, here we go.

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1. What is your favorite part/scene in the story?

2. What do you think will happen in Withered/Broken Flower? How is the story going to end?

3. Any assumption of Jeongyeon, Irene, Soo Bin, Heung Min, Riku, and Daisy story?

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That's it for now, please leave your answer in specific question so I know which answer is for which question. Thanks a lot if you guys join along, I'm just really interested in what actually your guys' thoughts of the book.

Bye, see ya next time
Thank you for reading :)

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