Chapter Two: Leading the Way, and Settling Down

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(A/N: Sorry the first part is kind of weird)

We led them through the forest, me jumping from tree to tree, bored. Haldir said I couldn't be biased, so he sent me up to keep a lookout from above. 

We slept outside for the night, I switched with Glendir, and took the ground watch, while he took tree watch. I sat on a low branch, and took out my sword, to clean, to keep me busy. 

When Thorin died, he gave me his sword, Orcrist, I'd basically been a sister to him, but I hadn't known him for that long. Why he didn't give it to a dwarf, I don't know, but it has saved me from death many times.

I sighed.

It pains me to think that, now, only nine of the original thirteen dwarves are alive. At least four have died, Balin, Oin, Ori, and Thorin, and I haven't heard from any of the others for a long time. (A/N: I will eventually have another story up, after I find the motivation to write more of it, about this, sorry for the intrusion, keep reading!)

I sheathed my sword as someone got up. Him. He walked around for a bit. While his back was too me, I got up into the tree, and watched from a safe distance.

He turned around and walked over to where I was sitting before, he looked up into the tree and saw me watching him. My mask and hood were still up and my clothes hid me, and it was dark, but he noticed I was tense.

"Are you alright?"

I said nothing. He looked a bit puzzled, from what I could tell. Glendir came down next to me,

"Need a switch?"

I nodded, and climbed up into the trees faster than you could say 'greenleaf'.

*Next morning*

I climbed down from my post just before sunrise, as Haldir was getting up. 

"Wake them up, we need to move."

I shook Aragorn for the fun of it, and gently woke the hobbits. 

Wyn danced around the platform, calling Cy and I to join her. "Come on, it's a lovely day! Dancing heals the heart, Zia! Come on Cy!"

We laughed, and shook our heads no.

In the bright daylight, the sheath on my belt was very visible, Gimli and the elf kept giving me looks as we walked. I noticed, but said nothing. 

"Where did you come by that sword?" Gimli asked, finally,

"T'was given me by a friend, as he lay at Death's Door. I helped him reclaim something of his, but he died after getting it back, and he gave me his sword as my reward."

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