Chapter Four: Talking with Hobbits, and Chasing Orcs

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We boarded the boats, and set off, Lady Galadriel waving from her boat. Hyacinthia kept lightly nudging me, but I ignored her, knowing perfectly well what she wanted to ask.

"Gyana..." She whined, "Please?"

Boromir, whose boat was next to us, whipped his head over to us. "We are bringing your child?" He sounded scandalized.

I rolled my eyes, "She is perfectly capable to be here, as long as she is with me, Cylari, or Wyn."

"Heard that!" Aragorn called.

"You're too reckless!"

"Like you can talk!"

"I grew out of it! SOMEbody didn't, though!" I heard him grumbling, and I smirked, "Zia, One-hundred and seventy-two, Aragorn, Zero."

Merry and Pippin snickered. "How long have you known Strider, er, Aragorn?"

"A while, ever since he was seven."

"And how long is that?"

"About eighty years."

"He's not an elf, though, is he?"

I laughed, "No, he is a Dunedain, blessed with a longer, though still mortal, life. if he was an elf, he'd be about the same maturity as Thia. Not that he isn't."

"Heard that too!"

"When it's about my life you're worse than her!"


I stuck out my tongue at his back.

"Are you the Zia from Mister Bilbo's stories?" Pippin asked, 

I nodded, "Probably. What does he say about me?"

"You left your home to help the dwarves. You're a great healer. Thorin gave you Orcrist as he was dying. You were banished from your home, and found a safe place in Lorien. You have a daughter, Hyacinthia," He nodded towards her, "And her dad doesn't know."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes." Thia laughed. "I want to tell him, but Gyana said 'Not right now'." She mimicked my voice fairly well, actually.

"Yes, and there's a reason, but not one I can say in the open. At least I told you who your ancestors are, and didn't abandon you to fend for yourself when you were sixty."

She huffed, muttering something about him being right there but is oblivious, and doesn't seem to even know who I am, and somehow doesn't recognize that she has his eyes. I looked towards him, and saw that he was conversing with Gimli, and didn't seem to have heard anything she said. Merry and Pippin laughed.

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