Chapter Fifteen: Thia and I go to Erebor, and the Dwarves Rat Me Out

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Most of the company stayed in Minas Tirith with Aragorn, but the hobbits had to go home a week later, and Wyn went with her family to Rohan to settle things. Éomer was king, mostly because Wyn wanted to explore, and couldn't very well do that and explore the world, so she abdicated in favor of him.

Aragorn came up to me as I was packing for Thia and I's trip to the mountain with Gimli.


I turned to him, confused, he sounded worried.

"What is it, Esteli?"

He smiled softly at his fangarian name, but then it fell. "When you fell, in front of the gates."


"Why did that happen?"

"Sauron placed a curse on his blood family and his wife, at least the ones he knew about, which is why Thia wasn't affected, if and when he fell, we would be caused great pain, and if we were too weak, then we would die. But, as far as I know, neither of them have died. Why?"

"As you fell, you turned black. Eyes, hair, skin. Elrond said you only survived because you have people who love you. He said you were nearly lost." He started to cry, and couldn't speak any more.

I dropped my clothes, and wrapped him in a hug.

"Is-li kiy. Is-li kiy, Esteli." (I am here. I am here, Hope.)

"Heves-li. Erteq riwenk-li nei esteli." (I know. But I had no hope.)

I pulled out of the hug, but kept my hands on his shoulders. "Is-hule Esteli. You cannot lose yourself." (You are Hope.)

He smiled, "Thank you, Zia."

"What are adoptive mothers for, Esteli?" He grinned, "You're welcome, Elessar, King." I mock bowed, and he laughed.


Thia and I went to visit the mountain with Gimli, who had gone to get dwarves to live in the Glittering Caves in Helms Deep.

I found my friends sitting around a fire, talking about the quest to re-claim the mountain.

"No, it was Zia who got you out of that hole!"

"No! It was Dwalin!"

"Well, it seems I've come to the right place!" I called out over their voices,

"ZIA!" The Dwarves jumped up and hugged me.

Well, all of them except Bombur, who seemed to be permanently disabled...

Gloin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Nori, Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur all started talking at once. I held up my hand for silence,

"Yes, I was on the quest with Gimli, along with Thia, who came with me here. And yes, you can meet her. No, no one else except Gimli is here from Gondor."

"Hello." Thia smiled, "Gyana has told me a lot about you."

"All good things, I hope?" Kili asked teasingly,

I scoffed, "I never say bad things about my family!"

They all looked at me,

"Well, except Sauron, but I never really thought of him as family."

They were still looking at me,


Gloin smirked, "We know he was on the quest, too. Have you told him yet?"

"No. That's Thia's decision. Aragorn said he guessed a week ago, and Aragorn didn't answer him, but he didn't say anything about it to me."

They all groaned,

"You guys were the ones who told me not to go back!"

More grumbling.

"We can just go now, or you can show us around, and tell us about your families."

Well, they brightened... and grabbed our arms and dragged us off to see the mountain.


Fili and Ari had four kids, Zia, Dis, Jaz, and Thorin.

Kili and Tari had two girls, Lili and Maia.

Dori and Nori were perfectly content to spoil their little cousins.

Dwalin, who had just passed away a week ago, had been married to a gal named Nan, and they had a son, Dalin, who was just as large and good-natured as his father.

Bofur and Bombur were single, and were happy.

And Bifur was married to a gal named Sari, a second cousin of Ari and Tari, and they had two kids, Zari and Kar.

And, of course, Gloin and his wife had Gimli.


"Are you guys thinking about going to the Caves?"

"Thinking, haven't decided. Well, except Gloin, who's said yes."

"And," Fili raised his hand, "Ari and I can't leave the mountain quite yet, Thorin isn't old enough to rule yet, and none of the girls want to."

"I don't want to either." Kili muttered.

"It's closer to where I'll be living."

"YES!" cried the rest of them.

I shook my head and laughed.


We set out from the mountain with a good-sized group of dwarves. Most of them were on carts pulled by their extra-large mountain goats. Thia and I sat with our friends, and we told them about our adventures. (I finally heard about Thia's outburst of power and scolded her for not telling me earlier.

About three days later, we got to Helm's Deep. Wyn was there to meet us. She led us to the back pass, and soon the dwarves were settling in, and exploring with awe.

Thia and I went with Wyn to her rooms to talk.

"How are your friends?"

"Still immature, except Gloin, of course."

She laughed,

"How is Rohan adapting to it's new king?"

"Very well. Everybody already liked Éomer. They really like Cy, too. There are rumors of a wedding. But they haven't said anything to me or you, so I imagine they're just overexcited."

"Have you found anyone you like?"

"No. That's part of why I want to explore. Cy has Éomer, Éowyn has Faramir, Aragorn has Arwen--"

Thia cut her off, "And you have us."

Wyn smiled, "I guess I do."

"Just," I said warningly, "Don't run off with a dwarf."

We all burst into laughter.

There was a knock at the door, and we stifled our laugher as Wyn got up to open it. It was a servant,

"Letters for you, my lady, and your friends."

"Thank you, Fenyr."

He bowed and left, Wyn shut the door. She handed me two letters, Thia one, and she had three.

One was from my mother, and the other...

Those cheeky dwarves.

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