Chapter Fourteen: I Had a Dream, and Aragorn is King

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"What's going on, Zia?"

"I'm so sorry! I'm sorry, but I can't just stand back and watch your father do this."

"Are you just going to leave me here?"

I started to cry, "I'm sorry!"


I ran without looking back. I pulled the lever to roll the barrels into the river and jumped after them.


My dream skipped to the frozen river, Thorin lay dying.

"Thorin, please! Let me heal you!"

"No, Zia. The sickness overtook me, I do not deserve to be king. Fili does, and Ari his queen."

"Thorin, please!"

"Zia, take Orcrist. It shall be your reward."

"No, Thorin. I can't."

"Take it! I want you to have something to remember us by."

"I could never forget the company, Thorin."

"Take it."

"Alright, fine."

"Thank you."

"No, thank you, Thorin. You have been the brother I never had."

"Good, because you've been the mature sister I never had." Pause, "Don't tell Dis I said that."

I grinned weakly through my tears, "Promise."


I woke up to see Thia, Cy, and Wyn around my bed.

Wyn was smirking, Cy was trying and failing to look innocent, and Thia was smiling sweetly.

"What did you do?" I sighed, and sat up slightly.

"We didn't do anything."

"Well then, who did what?"

"He carried you back. And wouldn't let anyone take you from him. It was only a few minutes ago that Aragorn got him to leave."

"How long--?"

"Three days."

"Does he know?"

"We don't know."

I sighed and lay back down. "How are Frodo and Sam?"

"Frodo is being watched by Gandalf right now, and Sam is recovering in the company of Faramir and Éowyn."

The door opened and Aragorn walked in. He smiled at me and I saw the teasing twinkle in his eye.

"When did you wake up?"

"Barely a minute ago."

"He guessed last night, by the way. But I didn't say anything. He's still not sure as far as I know."

"I did say Thia could tell him. When are you being crowned?"

"Soon after Frodo wakes up, which should be any day now."

"I don't want to tell him yet." We all looked at Thia in surprise. "He'll worry about you more than he does already, and I know you wouldn't like that. And..." She paused, "And I'm not sure any of us are ready for that."

I smiled at her. "You can tell him whenever you want to, even if you never do. That is entirely up to you."

Gimili poked his head in, "Frodo is waking up! Good to see you awake, Zia." and left.

Thia and Cy helped me up, and we followed Aragorn to the room Frodo was in.

"Aragorn!" I heard Frodo say as said person walked in. Cy helped me through, after Thia and Wyn came in, and we all smiled at the hobbit. I heard someone behind me and saw Sam standing there. He walked into the room, and Frodo smiled at him.


A few days later, as Frodo was recovering well, we decided to crown Aragorn as soon as the elves got here, and our surprise...

We gathered in the courtyard, Thia and I stood with Elrond, Elrohir, Elladan, and Arwen, who was hidden behind a white banner. Aragorn stood on the steps to the hall. Vithrendir lifted the crown high and then placed it on Aragorn's head.

"Now come the days of the King. May they be blessed."

Aragorn walked up the steps and turned towards the people. We all clapped and cheered. I turned and winked at Arwen, who was next to me, and she blushed.

"This day does not belong to one man, but to all. Let us together rebuild this world, that we may share in the days of peace."

The people cheered and clapped again. Aragorn began to sing the song of Elendil.

"Et Eírello Endorenna ut'lien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tennú Ambar-metta." (Out if the great sea to Middle Earth I am come. In this place I will abide, and my heirs, unto the end of the world.)

He walked down towards the people. Faramir and Éowyn bowed low to him. Éomer, who was now King of Rohan, nodded his head to him, and Cy with him. We approached him and he put his hand on His shoulder.

"Hannon le." (Thank you.)

He just smiled. Aragorn looked behind him. I smirked, and nodded towards Arwen, who peeked out from behind the banner. Long scene short, they kissed. I pulled a disgusted face as they came apart, and Aragorn noticed. I grinned, and mock-bowed.

Then Aragorn came up to the Hobbits. They all bowed to him.

"My friends," Aragorn said, they looked up at him in surprise, "You bow to no-one."

He knelt down in front of them and everyone else knelt with him.

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