Chapter Eight: Aragorn Returns, and the Battle Begins

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Thia and I sat by the gate, listening for news of help. Aragorn's fate was still on our minds, and I could feel the grief of everyone around me, even the ones who never met him.

I hugged Thia closer to me, and asked the Valar to keep her safe.

The gates opened, a man laying on a horse came through. I couldn't see his face, but he looked familiar.

He sat up, and I gasped, causing Thia to look up as well.

We jumped up as the man slid off his horse.

"You little--!" Thia punched his shoulder and than nearly killed him in her bone-crushing hug. "Never do anything like that again, if you die, Arwen would kill you. Again."

Aragorn laughed. "Good to see you too, Cinthia. Zia, you look terrible, what--" he stopped at my look.



There was a pause. And then I tackled him in a hug. "Never do that again, you understand? Thia and I cried ourselves to sleep last night. Everyone thought you were dead."

"Yes, I understand."

"Your friends are also pretty miserable, you should go to them."

He nodded thoughtfully, and, sure enough, I heard Gimli,

"Where is he? Where is he? Get out of the way! I'm going to kill him!" Gimli called out, pushing through the crowd. "You are the luckiest, the canniest and the most reckless man I ever knew. Bless you, laddie."

"Gimli, where is the king?"

Gimli pointed at the hall.

As we walked to the hall, the elf suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Le abdollen." (You're late.) Aragorn raised his eyebrows. "You look terrible." They grinned at each other.

He handed the Evenstar to Aragorn, who held it up in his hand

"Hannon le." (Thank you.)


Aragorn told Theoden about an army. Yay.

"A great host, you say?"

"All lsengard is emptied."

"How many?"

"Ten thousand strong at least."

"Ten thousand?"

"It is an army bred for a single purpose: To destroy the world of Men. They will be here by nightfall."

Theoden turned and started to walk away, "Let them come!"


"Gyana, I don't want to fight tonight." Thia whispered. "Wyn is going to the caves, and Cy is with Vithrendir."

"I don't blame you, Thia. You don't have to fight, if you don't want to. Theoden really only did ask for boys." I winked at her, and she gave me a small smile.

"Don't die, Gyana. Because if you do, I will have to tell Kyada, and he won't be happy."

I laughed. "I'll try not to."

Wyn joined us, and knew immediately what Thia wanted. She opened her arms for a hug, and Thia obliged.

"Your Gyana will be in good hands. I heard Gimli promised his father that he would make sure Zia comes to see him. She can't do that very well dead."

Thia laughed.

"Take care, sister."

"You, as well, my ladies."

Thia smiled, and Wyn grinned.

I gave them each a hug, and kissed Thia's forehead. "I'll see you later."

I ran off to find Aragorn, which didn't take long.

His elf friend was chiding him, "Aragorn, you must rest. You're no use to us half alive."

"Aragorn!" Éowyn ran over, "I'm to be sent with the women into the caves."

"That is an honorable charge."

"To mind the children, to find food and bedding when the men return. What renown is there in that?"

"My lady, a time may come for valor without renown. Who then will your people look to in the last defense?"

"Let me stand at your side."

"It is not in my power to command it."

"You do not command the others to stay! They fight beside you because they would not be parted from you. Because they love you."

There was a very awkward pause,

"I'm sorry." Éowyn turned away, and ran to the caves.


In the armory weapons were being handed out. Aragorn took hold of a sword and put it down again. He walked through the men towards Gimli who was sitting down.

"Farmers, farriers, stable boys. These are no soldiers."

"Most have seen too many winters."

"Or too few."

We looked around at the men and boys

"Look at them. They're frightened. I can see it in their eyes."

Everyone stopped and turned to look at him, Aragorn included.

"Boe a hyn: neled herain dan caer menig! (And they should be... Three hundred against ten thousand!)

"Si beriathar hyn ammaeg na ned Edoras." (They have more hope of defending themselves here than at Edoras.)

"Aragorn, nedin dagor hen é'erir ortheri. Natha daged dhaer!" (Aragorn, they cannot win this fight. They are all going to die!)

Aragorn raised his voice, "Then I shall die as one of them!" and glared at the elf, who glared back, and walked away.

I looked at Gimli, "Hule kars lir jaeors?" (Do you remember my lessons?)

He looked at me in surprise, "Skie. Erteq Ari er Tari jaene fes welen, adje haose-hule." (Some. But Ari and Tari taught me more, after you left.)

I smiled. "Aji." (Good)

I left the armory to find Aragorn, he would probably have cooled off by now.

I found him on the main steps talking to a boy. He said something to him, and turned towards me.

"Are you a messenger?"

"No. You should know better than that. But I know that you can't be left alone for too long, or you'll get in trouble."

He rolled his eyes. "Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

He smiled, "Don't worry, if you die, I'll make sure Thia is the first one to tell him."


We walked back to the armory, since Aragorn didn't have his armor on. I turned my back to watch the others still getting ready. I saw the elf a minute later. I moved to the side, letting him by.

I tuned out their conversation, seeing Gimli struggling with his chainmail.

"We had time, I'd get this adjusted." He let it drop, "It's a little tight across the chest."

We all grinned. Suddenly I heard a familiar horn sound.

"That is no Orc horn." The elf said, confused.

I grinned, not saying anything, and sped off.

"Send for the king. Open the gate!"

"Open up the gate!"

A large elven army, made up of mostly Rivendell and Lorien elves, but I saw some Fangorn mixed in there, and they all smiled at my approach, marched through the gates, passing the men who smiled happily. I ran down the steps towards them, and saw that Haldir was leading them in bright golden armor.

"Haldir!" I grinned, and he winked at me.

Theoden came up behind me.

"How is this possible?"

Haldir walked up to him, and bowed, "I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together." Aragorn and company appeared behind Theoden. "We come to honor that allegiance."

I ran down and hugged Haldir, Aragorn close behind me.

"You are most welcome."

The elves swiftly turned towards him and stood to attention.

"We are proud to fight alongside Men once more."


I helped Haldir bring the elves to a place where they could fight on the wall, and I stood with him, Aragorn at the front.

Lighting flashed and thunder rumbled through the skies. The rain came pouring down, and we were all soon soaked.

"Couldn't you just use your--?"

"No. It would reveal too much too soon. And the others have been told to be inconspicuous. I do not wish to be exposed."

"Very well, then. I assume your family is in the caves?"

"Cy went with Vithrendir, who isn't dead, but then, yes, Wyn and Thia went to the caves."

"Good. Thia shouldn't be exposed to war this early."

"She'll agree with you on that."

Aragorn started to walk in front of the lines, "A Eruchín, ü-dano i faelas a hyn an uben tanatha le faelas!" (Show them no mercy! For you shall receive none!)

The uruk captain signaled for the others to stop moving forward. They grunted and growled.
Then they began stamping their spears on the ground in unison and beating their chests. Aragorn took out his sword and held it in front of him. The men loaded their bows and drew them back ready to fire. An old man lost his grip on his arrow and it shot an Uruk in the neck.

Aragorn held his hand up, "Dartho!" (Hold!)

The Uruk fell to the ground dead. The others growled ferociously. The captain Uruk thrust forward his scimitar and shouted and the uruk-hai advanced upon Helm's Deep at a run.

"Tangado a chadad!" (Prepare to fire!)

We loaded and aimed our bows.

"Leithio i philinn!" (Release the arrows!)

Arrows rained down on the Uruks and many fell dead.

More arrows hit the uruks, killing many. Aragorn raised his sword to the elves on the ground behind the Deeping Wall

"Ribed bant!" (Full volley!)

More Uruks fell from the onslaught of arrows, but more came. They put ladders up to the walls, and started climbing.

"Swords! Swords!" We put our bows away, and unsheathed our swords. Orcrist glowed brightly from the many uruks.

The uruks jumped onto the wall fast, but between Haldir and I we quickly got one ladder down, and headed for another, killing uruks along the way.

"How many?" Haldir muttered as we ran,

"Twenty, already."


"Oh, you've already lost."

We noticed the uruks on the causeway, and quickly switched from swords to bows, again, and shot at them.

I saw a bezerker dive into the sluice with a torch, and the wall exploded underneath us, throwing us back to the elves on the ground.

Haldir helped me up, and he joined the ranks behind us, while I ran behind them, with my people following.

I saw Aragorn raise his sword, "Hado i philinn!" (Release arrows!)

Arrows were fired, killing many Uruk-hai.

"Herio!" (Charge!)

We traded weapons again, and ran after Aragorn, killing as many uruks as possible. We found a stair to the wall where more of our kin were still fighting.

"Aragorn! Fall back to the Keep! Get your men out of there!" I heard Theoden shout.

"Nan Barad! Nan Barad!" (To the Keep! Pull back to the Keep!) "Haldir, Zia, nan Barad!" (Haldir, Zia, to the Keep!)

We nodded and gestured to the elves with us on the wall.

"Nan Barad!" (To the Keep!)

"Nimnore Bara!" (Go to the Keep!)

As we turned to run, Haldir killed an uruk, but one ran up, and stabbed him in the stomach. I cried out, as he stumbled. The uruk raised his sword to stab him again, but I killed it.


I grabbed a hold of him and helped him lie down.

"No, no, please. Don't leave me!"

"Zia. You tell him. You tell him soon. Sooner rather than later. Don't let him get away, again. Don't you get away, again."

"Haldir, please!"

"You have Thia. And Wyn. Cy. Aragorn. The dwarf. Even that stupid elf."

He smiled, and I tried to, as well, for him.

"You tell him I said that, okay?"

"I will. I promise, I will."

"And tell Halron I'm sorry. I promised him I'd come home. Asaria as well."

"If you promised your family that you'd come home, then you need to keep that promise."

"No, Zia, don't use it on me. Don't use it for me."

"Asaria is my sister, Haldir. I'm doing this for her, and your son. You're my brother. And I'm not losing another one."

He closed his eyes, knowing I'd won.

I placed my hands on his wound, closed my eyes and started to chant.

"Elessä sina harwe, sina harna éo arqe móre. Túcn lir torni ató. Larì nin, Valar, maquenä-li enliri sina." (Heal this wound, this hurt of the dark. Bring my brother back. Hear me, Valar, I ask only this.)

My fingers started to glow faintly, and Haldir's breathing evened out. Aragorn came up behind me, and helped me pick him up. As I left, half-dragging Haldir, Aragorn defended us, making us a path to get through.

I got him all the way to the main hall, and set him against the back wall.

"Zia, you tell him in the next week, or I will."

"I'm gonna pretend you never said that."

"Zia... Or I'll get Thia on this, too."

"I already made a deal with her. If Sauron is defeated, she gets to tell him the week of Aragorn's coronation. If he wins, I tell him as soon as possible."

"What if it keeps going like this? And he dies?"

"I don't know."

Aragorn came in with the others, and started helping bar the gate.

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