Chapter Four: Counseling and Horse Dung?

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I know it's a little late, but here is chapter four!
Up top you'll find a Queen classic.
Hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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College life wasn't all that exciting when you didn't have a clue what you wanted to do with your life. You were a walking clean slate that others tried to fill with as much information on available careers as possible. You were a lost soul that needed guidance, but the "guides" were all too dependent on catalogues and online videos to tell you anything worthwhile.

Today was Teagan's fifth visit to a counselor since the semester started, and he was no closer to deciding on a career path than he had been in August. He knew it was a waste of time to even bother following up with the appointments when he just wasn't interested in choosing a major to study, but it did get him out of his first class. That alone was incentive enough to sit down with Miss Romero to chat.

She was a good looking woman for forty. With rich brown hair and matching chocolate colored eyes set in a slender face with high cheekbones, he couldn't lie she wasn't bad on the eyes. She also didn't wear her diamond engagement ring anymore he noticed as she began finding more and more reasons to pat his knee.

Wasn't the first time a female faculty member on campus had come onto him. But it was the first time he'd been tempted to outright decline the invitation.

It wasn't like people didn't already presume he hooked up with faculty. That rumor had been swirling around since he'd first stepped onto Gray's campus nearly two years ago. People thought the only way such a loser who slept around could afford to get into college was if he'd slept his way in.

He had to admit the mix-up with Miss Shirley at the local club during his first college semester hadn't helped put those rumors out, but he'd enjoyed himself immensely.

Besides, it didn't hurt him for people to think he was talented enough to get into college based on his bed skills alone. In fact, it'd helped him find new partners hoping for a turn in the sheets every other weekend. He wasn't one to turn down a night of wild loving.

But Miss Romero wasn't a wide-eyed college girl looking to fit in. She was one of the most sought after counselors on campus because she was as lovely as she was knowledgeable. If he took up her offer to sneak off to one of the few places on campus that were invisible to the cameras, everyone would hear of it. And while the girls he'd been with knew he wasn't the forever type of guy, Miss Romero and her freshly broken heart wouldn't be easily put aside.

Those were his reasons for scooting back from her touch. Or that was what he told himself. He may or may not have seen the Ice Queen's green eyed pal from the party watching him as the ever eager Miss Romero lead him into her office.

It was so uncharacteristic of him to care, but there was no denying that as soon as he saw the fool with the thing for bowties, Teagan had felt an instant flare of dislike for the poor guy. Teagan, a man known for never caring enough about a person to even feel anything, had never even exchanged a greeting with the Ice Queen's friend, but he knew he would never want to.

He also knew the idiot wouldn't mind passing on his own rumor to a specific set of ears. He'd no doubt distort what he'd seen to make the information interesting enough to pass along, and Teagan would have been fine with that. More than fine.

But knowing that the guy was obviously a buddy of the woman he'd been obsessing over for longer than he'd ever thought about anyone else did things to his usually casual disposition.

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