Chapter Nineteen: Promises and Peacocks?

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Whelp, here it is. It's late I know, but I forced myself to do it before I go under with all the projects I put off this semester. So, sorry, if it isn't that exciting. I promise to make up for it real soon.

Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter. Please comment and vote (if you want) so I know you don't completely hate me.





He seriously needed to stop using movies and books that were so out of reality as references. They weren't real. In movies, the normal thing to do was to take the unreasonably angry and hurt heroine and kiss her. No warning, no foreplay. Just... bam!

Music started playing, the two main characters started getting it on, people whistled, and all was good in the world.

Yeah, right. The Ice Queen didn't appreciate the art of spontaneous kissing. Where as any other girl would have melted against him and given as good as he gave, she remained unmoved, frozen, until he realized she wasn't cooperating.

Then, she slapped him.

It was all very dramatic. Aris behind him whistled as Rain spun on her black knee-length boots and hurried out of the cafe.

It took until Friday for him to receive any form of communication from her. He was in the middle of warm ups at Welter's when Gavin's running changed to strutting. It was sad to admit, but despite knowing the Ice Queen was technically engaged to one of the Jeffers boys, Teagan couldn't shake the reality that Gavin was his greatest competition.

You haven't even met the lucky groom-to-be, the logical voice in his head pointed out. While true, Teagan was set on the idea that since Rain's fiancé was related to the jerk who hurt her not too long ago, the man in question wasn't all that great either.

He still knew next to nothing about her. Except for the time spent in Tilden's class, the visits to the library, the running into each other outside of classes, there wasn't anything remotely concrete he could offer that would surprise anyone. Well, that wasn't all true. He knew Rain Sullivan wasn't opposed to leaving her prestigious side of town to help strangers with their laundry.

He also knew that she had a short temper, which was so unlike her detached exterior. She cared a lot more than people gave her credit for, but she hid it well.

She also kissed like she wasn't afraid of anything, like she wanted to burn until there was nothing but ash and bone left. But her eyes said she was afraid of everything. It was a breathtaking contradiction.

And you're still a wannabe Shakespearean poet, when you're honestly more of a Dr. Seuss.

Okay, that one hurt.

"What're you doing back on the soccer field, Rainy?" Gavin called, a cocky smirk on his too young face. He was sweating buckets, his dark hair plastered onto his forehead, but he still flashed those stupid dimples. "Miss me?"

Teagan wanted to groan aloud. The minion had the confidence of an A-lister. "Gavin, keep warming up. I'm not going to take the blame if you pull a muscle because you were too busy flirting."

"Ah, Coach, don't be jealous. Besides, I'm past warm and straight up to smoldering."

Why, the little demon. "Do you even know what that means?"

"Caliente!" Gavin drawled with a kiss directed at some point beyond Teagan's tensed shoulders. "I'm burning up now, Tee."

The other boys burst into fits of laughter at that.

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