Chapter Twenty-Two: Missing Invites and Fact checking

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I'm back with an early update! Also, it's a pretty long one! Hope you enjoy.

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Apparently helping Rain Sullivan knock down a would-be attacker wasn't good enough to warrant an invitation to her posh party. Sure, she called it a charity event but he knew that was just an expensive alternative to what was simply a rich get-together with fancy booze. At least, that's what he chose to believe. He wasn't an expert of the rich world, so he couldn't claim he had ever attended an event like the one Rain refused to invite him to.

Someone's feeling salty.

Teagan winced. Not salty. Just jilted.

It wasn't his fault he had expected the cordial invitation. Hell, he'd gotten invitations to every party of the week since he'd started attending Gray's as a student, and he hadn't even known half of the hosts' names! That hadn't stopped him from swinging by, drinking just enough to numb the disappointment of his sad existence, and drowning his troubles with a turn in the sheets of whoever happened to be interested.

He wasn't looking to get lucky with one of the wealthy, bored wives at Rain's event, if that was the reason Rain left his name off of the guest list.

But Rain seemed to forget one important thing. She didn't have the final say.

Teagan whistled as he swept the wet floor of the laundromat. At any other time, he would have complained about having to mop up after stupid people who couldn't work the latch on the washing machines well enough to make sure they were locked. Today was different.

Today, Teagan Miller, the man most girls' mamas would turn their nose up at, had received the golden ticket. Well, he wasn't going to the chocolate factory, but the idea was pretty much the same.

Sir Randolf Sullivan had deemed him worthy of being a guest to this year's festivities.

Was it wrong that he didn't care why the man had sent the crisp white invitation? He couldn't wait to see Rain's face when she realized she hadn't been able to shun him.

His excitement must have shown on his face. "You've got it bad," Gavin muttered with a disapproving shake of his head.

"What do you know about it?" he snapped. But he checked his jeans' pocket just to make sure the little demon hadn't taken the invitation out while he worked.

The boy lifted his hands, a sign of surrender. "Hey, I'm not complaining. If you were going to lose your head over a girl, I'm glad it was someone like that Rainy Lady."

It was pointless to argue that his head was on just fine. So he chose to make a different point.

"Her name's Rain." The boy had to have the worst memory.

Gavin smirked. "I know."

He's got his moves down. Teagan saw Gavin was going to be devastating when he grew up. That dimple was going to break hearts.

"So when are you going to tell her she's messing with your sleazy reputation?" the rascal asked.

Was there anything the boy didn't know? Teagan shook his head. "I don't even know why I'm so surprised anymore. You seem to know more about me than I do." Teagan abandoned the mop and glared down his nose. "Just how do you know about my questionable reputation and whether it's messed up?"

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