Chapter Twenty-One: Witches and Temptations

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Well, it's January 1st of the year 2020 (but by the time this refreshes it will officially be January 2nd). Starting off the year with a new chapter, early and not super depressing.

Thank you for a great year in 2019. I'm looking forward to finishing this book in the coming months. So far, 63,200 words on Word Docs and twenty-one chapters in, this has been my longest book to date. Thank you for continuing to read and support this story! It means a lot!

Enjoy, and like always comment and/or vote if you liked it!




It's a funny thing, to think you know someone and find out you were wrong. For the longest time, Rain could have sworn there wasn't a single piece to the girl Gia had once been that she didn't know, didn't love. She would have been wrong.

Just as she was wrong about a lot of things. She'd been wrong about Jeffers, hadn't she? And that mistake had cost her so much.

But it hadn't killed her. Perhaps that would have been kinder on some level? No, losing Gia immediately after her mother's death had been the final blow to push her into a block of ice.

Rain had figured the ice was enough to protect her. It certainly seemed to keep most people at bay, away from her. Then there were the few who saw the signs, the warnings, and didn't care anyway. Those people were insane. Teagan was one of those people.

She sighed, forcing her gaze away from the bulky figure hiding in the shadows, tormenting the girl she had once loved. She made a decision then. Whatever the past that had burned the bridge between them, no human, though she sincerely doubted the bastard should be classified as one, had any right to terrorize Gia. No one had a right to terrify another to the point of tears.

It was a matter of principle. If she wanted to spare other women the pain she still endured, she would have to start small.

"You know, I'm not big on emotions. Most of the time, I'm too cold to care." She offered a bland smile in response to the perplexed look on Gia's face. "But the one thing I really hate? It's despicable bastards who are too stupid to understand that their attentions are pathetic and unwanted." As she spoke the last words, she turned the full force of her glare on the coward watching them, making certain he grasped that she was talking about him.

Gia's stalker might have been hiding his identity in the shadows, just out of the light, but Rain saw the moment her insult registered. The tensing of his shoulders and the way he pushed himself up to his full height proved what she had first suspected. He was a big man.

Good. It would serve him right to be knocked down a few pegs by a woman. She flashed a grin. "Gia, did you make sure to tell the oaf of a man following you that you weren't looking for a companion tonight?" Gia's icy blue eyes widened, but she nodded all the same. "Do you think he's deaf?" Rain whispered in a voice that was loud enough to carry.

"I can hear just fine, witch," the man growled.

Rain blinked, feigning shock. "So you're just an idiot?" she asked. The choked sound Gia made as she stepped behind Rain sounded suspiciously like a laugh.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" was the angry reply from said idiot. And being taunted by what he regarded as the lesser sex must have been just what he needed to grow some confidence. The idiot stepped forward, menacingly, but Rain was too furious to care about his intent.

The light from Christa's wasn't the best, but it was enough to cast away the shadows so she could see the coward's face. He wasn't a monster in the usual sense. With a strong jawline sprinkled with facial hair, slicked back golden brown hair, and fierce black eyes set beneath dark brows, he wasn't hideous. Of course, those eyes were glowering at her and looked a little glassy, but maybe that was her imagination?

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