Chapter Eleven: Kisses and Motels

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Finally, made my deadline without being super late! This one was a a bit sad for me to write, but it'll work out. Promise. 

Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment if you feel so inclined.




"Kiss me, Rain."

For a moment there, she'd allowed herself to forget that Teagan Miller was a serial heartbreaker. She'd convinced herself that, at least where she was concerned, he wouldn't try any of the old moves he used on all the others.

Stupid girl.

It wouldn't be the first time she'd trusted a man who proved to be destructive to her peace of mind.

What was it about him that made her let go of all of the walls she'd erected to keep herself from being hurt again? He was handsome as sin, but she'd already known that before that night of the party had placed them in each other's path. He was easy to talk to when he wasn't trying to get lucky, and somehow she'd managed to convince herself the flirting came as easily to him as breathing.

So she had no one to blame when he proved to be everything she had first suspected he was. A no-good, manipulating horse without a shred of decency.

After the shock of his request, Rain had done the only thing she could think to. She ran. Rain also kicked him pretty hard on the shin, but that was hardly important. The running was the key detail. That was saying a lot about how Teagan's words had affected her because she never ran. She'd speed walked her way through the mile run in high school, but she'd run from Teagan.

The catch?

Running had been a defense mechanism so she wouldn't give in to him.

It took about three hours before she was able to calmly face the truth without hating herself, but by then, Mr. Hot Tee had moved on to easier conquests. Namely, a red-haired she wolf with red-tipped claws.

The burning in her stomach made her want to throw up. It left an unpleasant taste in her mouth, knowing for a fact that Teagan "Casanova" Miller could find such quick replacements. Was the itch so bad that he couldn't even be discreet about it? And why should the way he lived bother her to the point of being ill?

The stupid picture Crue had no doubt orchestrated sure did bother her though.

With an angry sigh, Rain looked away from her bedroom window to glance at her ringing phone. Fully expecting the call to be Teagan's half-hearted attempt at an apology for making a fool out of her, she reached for the phone with every intention of shutting the device off. But when she glanced at the screen, she did not recognize the number.

She let the call go to voicemail. Immediately after she refused to answer, her phone vibrated with the new voice message. She clicked on it and raised the phone to her ear.

The voice she heard made her blood run cold.

"How've you been, honey pot?" he asked with an ugly cackle. "I hear you've been busy cozying up to Good ol' Poppa Sullivan. Have him convinced you and I can have a future of civility, but we can be more than civil, can't we, Rain?"

She couldn't believe he would dare to call her while he was out having lunch with her father! She would have thought he was busy enough trying to play the wronged party for her father over expensively priced seafood. Yet he still found time to torment her.

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