Chapter Thirty-Four: The Holy Spirit and a Jenga Piece

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Movies were a freaking joke. Teagan had seen his fair share of them to know that no matter what happened throughout the two hours of the film, the guy almost always got the girl. Unless, of course, someone really messed up and killed off one of them.

The truth was that it didn't go that way. At least not when there were already so many reasons why the relationship shouldn't work out. God, as if knowing he was as low as man could possibly be wasn't enough, he had to go and add another reason why Rain should despise him.

The real kicker was that although he'd made lots of plans before and failed, this one had gone all the way to homerun. Poosh! Fireworks blown up right in his face.

No leading man in any movie worth remembering had wasted so much time replaying how badly he'd messed up this time. And yet, he couldn't get the pathetic mantra out of his head... you messed up. Really messed up.

But it angered him. Not the fact that he'd ever thought about using Rain Sullivan for a fat check. Everyone knew he was stupid enough to do anything just to escape the cycle he was so scared of falling into. The cycle his old man apparently had never gotten out of. In his own twisted mind, it had even made sense to play up to the Ice Queen for money. All that had mattered was that the money hadn't come from his guilt ridden birth mother.

What an ironic twist of effing Fate to find that this had cost him much more than his pride.

The anger came after the numb reality of how much his deception had hurt the one woman he knew deserved nothing but love. Rain had been certain that money was taken from her father for the attention Teagan paid her. The problem with that was that Teagan was also certain that the check he'd thought to cash had been returned to Randolf Sullivan in pieces.

Teagan growled as he mounted the bike his father had returned to him. All the while as he sped down the winding, pothole plagued roads of his side of town, Teagan went through everything he would get off his chest the minute he saw the slimy weasel. The fury coursing through his veins helped to warm the places inside him that had simply stopped feeling with the sight of Rain's hurt. It gave him the chance to think about things he could fix so that he wasn't only dwelling on the burned bridge that had once connected him to her.

Yes, he'd been a fool for waiting so long to tell her the truth. An idiot for wasting the chance to tell her he loved her.

But he wanted to believe he still had some part of their relationship he could salvage.

The part where they both hated the monsters they had for fathers.

Adrenaline pumped through him as he turned the key in the bike's ignition and burst through the front door of the house he shared with Jamison. He heard something crash to the floor in the kitchen, the sound of shattering like music to his ringing ears.

"Teagan, is that you?" the old man called.

Lips curled into a predatory snarl, Teagan stalked towards the bastard. "Who else would be caught dead at the Miller's Rackshack?" he taunted. "Perhaps the mayor?"

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