Chapter Twenty-Six: Playing Games, Making Moves

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Okay, I'm back. This chapter... I don't know. I struggled with it, erased what I had, and rewrote it like three times but I just couldn't get it to be right. With that said, this chapter needed to happen before serious stuff goes down so... I'm sorry if it isn't all that exciting.

I'll make up for it, promise! Up til you'll find the video that inspired the game in this chapter.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Don't forget to comment and vote (if you don't completely hate it)!



Teagan had exhausted every frigging name he could think of to insult himself. He was every kind of stupid, besotted fool that had ever existed for showing up today after the Ice Queen had made it clear she didn't want to see him. That was fine with him because he wasn't particularly interested in the Ice Queen tonight. He was more drawn to the woman underneath the cool ice.

Her name was Rain Sullivan. It suited her well.

He'd just made it through the security at the front gate when he spotted her on the arm of a stuffed peacock fellow who couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of the exposed tops of her breasts. The unfamiliar green-eyed beast he hadn't known existed until she awakened it in him roared its head, making him tense as he watched her chat away. Was she so oblivious to the attention the low cut summer dress she wore brought her? Where in the heck were her collared shirts and sensible turtle necks?

It's nearly ninety degrees outside, the logical part of him pointed out.

But the jealous rage in him wasn't very logical. Well, she shouldn't be outside at all then!

She was still every bit the Ice Queen this evening, even with the flirty dress that left her pale, smooth looking shoulders bare. She had a stern look on her face that gave nothing of what she was thinking away. She had a thin, very civil smile on her lips, but he'd come to know that it was a smile she gave when she was bored and trying to hide it. He was glad to see it directed at the ogling buffoon rather than at him for a change.

Teagan scoffed as he looked down at his own outfit for the evening. After much deliberation, he'd settled on a plain white T-shirt and a worn denim button down. The invitation had said the theme was "Camping." Since he'd never spent a night outdoors by choice, well, he didn't know what the dress code really called for.

Surprisingly, he seemed to be overdressed. A glance around the elegantly adorned backyard showed a small gathering of the wealthiest families dressed in shorts and sleeveless shirts that left very little unseen.

Teagan shook his head as the grand Randolf Sullivan's hearty laughter floated through the muted sounds of the guests' conversations.The sound grated on his nerves, especially after the little chat they'd shared when Teagan first arrived at the Estate's front door.

The bastard thought he still held all the cards. He hadn't liked being reminded that in this case, Teagan was the man with nothing at all to lose.

The bluff had come off smoothly, despite Teagan's realization that he was in too deep to come out unscathed.

Imagine that! He could admit it to himself without losing his cool. Now, if only he could work up the nerve to confess the truth to the one woman who deserved to hear it more than anyone else, he might be able to spare himself a war.

But to get a chance alone with her, he'd have to ask the crosseyed Casanova who all but salivated on the arm of Granite Woods' only Queen.

"Welcome, friends, family, and business partners, to our annual charity bash!" Randolf Sullivan boasted over the gentle chatter of his guests. He had a full glass of champagne raised as he waited to have everyone's attention on him. "I want you all to feel at home this evening and to have fun. This is something my lovely daughter worked to bring to life for you all tonight, so if you happen to catch a few moments with her before the party ends, make sure to thank her!"

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