Chapter Sixteen: Sundays and Sundaes

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I know I'm horrible! I promised to upload early because I planned on having this grand writing session on Monday, but I failed. Miserably. Sorry. Now, I know I'm two days late but here it is!

Forgive me? 

Also, I opened an instagram page specifically for my books on Wattpad so I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out. (Username: viviennkeller)

Thanks for reading!




Teagan whistled while he worked. It was Sunday afternoon, just a little after the lunch hour, and he found himself filling in for one of his coworkers on the one day he had to himself. Usually, there would be a game on Sunday, but it seemed half of his team had been forced to make up exams due to poor grades. Obviously without his team, there was no game. So instead of coaching, he was scrubbing at the floors while listening to She's So Mean by Matchbox 20 from his earphones.

The rock band had been recommended to him by Gavin of all people. The young boy knew quite a bit about good music. It was simple facts. Gavin had been the one to request Queen at every practice since he'd made the soccer team, and that was by far one of the best bands of all times.

So where was he if not on the soccer field yelling at Gavin to stop making passes at the Ice Queen?

"Hey, Tee, care to help me get this machine started?"

It was Miss Wilson, Gavin's teacher, of course, with her overdramatic pout and unnaturally sultry voice. But Teagan knew she left generous tips every time he did her bidding so he wasn't going to complain.

He pasted his brightest smile and sauntered over to the thirty-something-year-old with the big brown eyes. "How's it going, Missus?" he asked.

Miss Wilson rolled her eyes. "How many times have I told you to call me Karlie?"

"About as many times as I've told you to stop calling me Tee. You're giving Gavin the wrong impression," he told her, but he kept his words light and flirting. It wouldn't do to anger one of the regulars. Besides, Gavin knew Teagan wasn't serious about anyone, no matter how many times females thought they could change that.

"Ah, but Tee, there's so much we could do to give off more than just an impression," the woman all but purred.

Where did these women get the idea that coming onto him that aggressively was attractive? Sure, he was just as guilty as the next guy for giving in to temptation while knowing the women in question were off limits, but more times than not, the girls he went to bed with were acceptable. Not always respectable, but they weren't outright cougars who would cause a firestorm of drama to follow their one night of sensual bliss.

The last time he'd chosen to throw caution to the wind had convinced everyone at Gray's College that he wasn't above sleeping his way through a higher education. That wasn't a reputation he wanted to carry for the rest of his years there.

So when Miss Karlie Wilson reached out a slender hand to touch his left arm, Teagan took a step back. Because he didn't want or need the older woman's attention. The fact that Gavin was eyeing him with a wary gleam in his eyes had nothing to do with it.

Remember that one time Miss Portillo wasn't all that happy to be dismissed?

Teagan winced inwardly, recalling his past history with Gavin's teachers. Okay, so maybe Gavin had a legitimate reason for not trusting him around the females in his life...

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