★★Chapter 43★★

629 41 55

Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng confesses to each other?

Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng secretly dating?

Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng kiss?

Why do you think Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng are keeping their relationship a secret?

**See pictures of Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng kissing**

"WHAT?!" Savannah rose up as she tossed her phone at the wall. "HOW DARE SHE?!"

"What is it this time?" Alison looked up from her schoolwork. "Savannah, you reckless child! How can you throw your beloved phone like that- Savannah?"

Savannah sniffed as she wiped her eyes. Her face had a mix of anger, frustration, and disappointment. Alison sighed as she picked up the phone she had tossed like it was a piece of garbage. "What is it? What has gotten you upset?"

Chloe took her earphones out of her ears, asking what was wrong.

"Marinette, that's what's wrong!" Savannah yelled. "I... I can't believe this. She... He..."

Alison and Chloe looked down at Savannah's phone, wanting to know what was so upsetting. When they saw it, they covered their mouths in shock.

It was posted all over Lady-Blog, pictures of Adrien and Marinette talking in the woods, and then as they scrolled down more, theirs lips were suddenly attached to each other's. There was also a video to show how it had happened.

While Alison faced Savannah to talk to her, Chloe scrolled down more to read the comments.

"OMG! I had a feeling this was going to happen! Yay! I totally knew those two liked each other!"
2774👍   23💬    43👎

"Again I tell you... She's just using him"
41👍   42💬     377👎

"Girl, why is it that you like Adrien so much?!" Chloe sighed, not peeling her eyes away from Savannah's phone.

"Who doesn't?!" Savannah shot back. "Just because you hate him over some contests you couldn't even win, doesn't mean I have to hate him!"

Chloe tried her best not to throw the phone at Savannah. It was a good thing she stopped herself before she could. But then she accidentally pressed "History" on the phone, showing Savannah's history on Lady-Blog.

Right now her History was private, meaning that whoever had the phone could see the History and no one else could. Out of curiosity, Chloe checked her History.

"077 commented on the news about " Lila Rossi"

"077 commented on 'Is Lila really as bad as everyone think?'"

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