☆☆Chapter 56☆☆

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< Monday >

"Today we're here for all of our questions to be answered. We all have had questions bottled inside of us, we all have been thinking of the possible answers to those questions. But now we're here to ask these guys, and see what they have to say to answer our questions."

Marinette barely held press conference. She sometimes hated how everyone would circle around her, ask her questions that she didn't want to hear. She had only decided to go to this press conference so if she answered questions here, nobody else would bother her with more questions later on.

She knew that they would ask about her and Adrien, and that was the one question that she hadn't prepared for. She had wanted to talk to Adrien before coming here so they would decide on what to say, but she never got the chance.

Lila Rossi was also here, only because people had questions for her. It was quite surprising, but Lila seemed to have a huge smile, as if she was finally popular just the way she had wanted. She may not be on the Popularity Board, but a lot of people talked about her, a lot of people gave her the attention she wanted, and right now that was all that mattered.

She had told her mother that she was going to the press conference, her mother had asked her why, but she had given her mother a lie. She didn't want her mother finding out about what she had done yet. She wanted everyone, or at least most of the people to believe her. She wanted to be adored and make her way to at least top 20 on the Popularity Board. And if she wanted it, she was going to get it no matter what!

She definitely knew her parents were going to be watching her on T.V, possibly being happy for her at first, because she got on T.V, and then being angry at her because of what she had said about them. She had also collected proof to make her story sound true.

Whenever her mother was yelling at her, she would secretly record it on her phone. With all records she got on her phone, people were sure to believe her. And if she won the designing competition that was tomorrow, she would be able to at least find a place to stay with the money she had earned as her prize.

Gabriel was giving €800 thousand, and a chance to work at his company, Gabriel, to the first place winner. Lila wanted to be that first place winner. She was glad to hear that Marinette wasn't joining, which gave her way more chance to win.

They all took their seats on their chairs. There were 4 of them; Marinette, Adrien, Gabriel and Lila. The news reporters, and the people asking the questions stood at the bottom of the stage, facing forward.

Lila flicked her hair backwards. She had been waiting for this moment when she would get a chance to get on TV, and here she was. She had especially cleaned after herself, dressed up nice and put on some nice make-up.

"Okay, first question goes to... Lila," A man said. "We're first going to start the situation about you and your mother. Lila, I hope you're okay to share this with us."

"Absolutely!" Lila spoke into the mic. Once she did, she shivered with glee and excitement, like yeah, she was now speaking in front of everyone. "I can't keep it bottled inside of me any longer."

She saw some people roll their eyes in the audience. Some people nodded their heads, while some didn't even do anything. Lila figured, if she had to make this sound believable, she had to make it sound like that as best as she could.

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