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/A Month Later\

Taymor has been put out of the house for selling drugs on the corner and lying about it. Tichina doesn't want to leave the kids in the house without him but it was for the best. Nick had it all under control after all.

Octavia still doesn't know that her daughter knows that she has cancer but Tichina has extended her mother's prayers. At times, she wonders if Lenny knows?

Everybody in the house that is old enough to get a job has gotten a job and are really making progress. Tichina has bought a safe to keep upstairs so that the kids could each put a hundred dollars in it every paycheck and can only get it for outings and emergencies.

She aint come to play.

"Alright kids I'm leaving out, I'll be back soon okay. Love y'all" Tichina said as she stepped out of the door.

"Ma wait" Nick said as he hopped off the couch and towards the door. "What's the safe password?"

"Why would I tell you? Plus you only got paid $98 this week get out my face love you." Tichina said as she walked to her car.

Nick closed the door and went back to sitting on the couch. "You spent all your money?" Kentrell asked

"No, I got 75 dollars left" Nick responded

Kentrell shrugged and went to the kitchen, keeping his last ten for himself.

Moments later all the kids started coming down the stairs. "Ma left already?" Cordae asked

"Yeah why wassup?" Kentrell asked

Cordae shrugged and walked towards the kitchen as Jahseh waddled down the stairs. "Excited much?" Nick asked

"Jealous much pussy ass. I'm so happy for your Dad Jah" Keisha said as she hopped towards the stairs to give Jahseh a hug.

"Dang Keisha you gone do my brother like that? Y'all tryna jump her?" Nick asked

"Yeah moe" Cordae responded as he threw a pillow at her.


Jahseh was now in the car with his Dad going to his house to get ready for the rehearsal dinner for the wedding. When he got there he ran straight towards the kitchen to check it out. "wow" he said as he searched the cabinets looking at all the snacks ma buys on an occasion.

"Ard stop raiding my cabinets like you're a racoon. Grab one snack and go get ready for the dinner. Your name is on the door so look for it and your clothes are also on your bed." Tishawn said as he grabbed something to drink out of the fridge.

A couple of minutes later they were ready to head out. "Looking good my boy" Tishawn said as he ran his hands threw Jahseh's hair. We're going to meet my soon to be wife there. Go head and get into the car ill meet you out there."

Before Tishawn could lock the door and head to the car, he got a call from Octavia.

"Hey ma wassup?" He said before he heard the tears. "What's wrong?"

"Tichina she's.... she's ....." Octavia got out before the sobs escaped her mouth

The phone hung up as Tishawn put two and two together. "Oh shit. Oh no" Tishawn said as he paced back and forth on his porch trying to figure out his next move.

Tishawn decided to go to the dinner. Making it all seem okay. "You good bud?" Tishawn said as he turned the car on and put his seat belt on.
"Bruh this is why I said you should've used Postmates. I hate ubereats. Stay taking long asf." Jay complained

As everybody ignored him and continued to watch the movie or be on their phones. "Bruh where is ma at?" Taylor asked "it's almost  10 o'clock" she continued as she called her.

"No answer? She never works late on a Monday. Probably changed her schedule cuz somebody ain't show up for the late shift as usual." Keisha assured

"FOODS HERE" Jay yelled

"Go get it lil nigga"

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