Ch. 1

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Adrien can deal with a lot. He knew his lady told him she had some plans, but the least she could do was swing by and say so or even just give him more of a clear answer then standing him up. Adrien just stood sadly as he blew out the last candle. After all this hard work, it took him weeks to gather all of this as chat and adrien. It was even difficult to swing out of his room tonight. Adrien just wanted to go home, but he didn't really want to go back to a stuck up place.

Adrien as Chat used his pole to go around the roofs. He could've sworn he saw Marinette but he didn't want to bother her. That's how Adrien found himself on top of the Eiffel tower. Looking over the dim but beautiful lights of the city Adrien leaned to the side.

"Is it too much to ask for love? I just, I want someone I can be with. Who I can trust to be there for me. My father is too blinded by his own hurt that he casts me out. My friends would never be able to understand my pain and I can't even tell them. My lady, she's supposed to be my partner, I've respected her so much, so why does she give me none?"

Adrien cried as his ears flattened. After calming down Adrien turned to the city with a blankness.

"It's always about lady bug, I'm on the side, always. Heh, makes sense, after all, even as someone else I can't manage much more than being a drag."

As he headed the scenic and longer way home Adrien paused at a store. There is showed his modeling and his fathers work. The work he pays attention more to then Adrien himself. Adrien glowered at his smiling face and decided to make a small damage.

"Let's see what dad thinks when his new designs get a little editing?"

Adrien snuck into the store not realizing another cat-burglar was also there. As Chat, he had night vision, which really helped. Adrien shredded up all the posters with his face and even stole some of the clothes. Adrien paused before turning to a room off to the side. It was a famous jewelers that was showcasing their Chat diamond named after the hero. Sadly, everyone was focused on the ladybug jewels that it was barely given a second glance.

"No can do, you're a brother in arms, what's one more thing?"

Adrien said to himself quietly. As he snuck into the room he also didn't realize he was being watched. Adrien was glad he was so flexible as a model, and fencer. He easily got through the lasers and smiled as he whispered his power up.


The glass disintegrated into dust and Adrien nabbed the diamond. Setting it with his bell he turned to the mirror nearby.

"Hmm, a bit much, but I'm having a me night tonight! Well, only tonight, gonna have to return all this soon or maybe tomorrow."
"Really? But you're doing so good!"

Adrien almost jumped and turned to a figure in the corner. Out came a woman with a slender frame and cat get up.

"Who are you? An Akuma this late at night?"

The woman laughed and circled Adrien.

"No, I'm not one of your little beefed up villains. I'm Catwoman, and you my boy, have a real knack for this job."

Adrien paused before shaking his head.

"This..this is nothing, I's a one time deal and then it's back to normal."

Catwoman hummed as she stopped behind him.

"So back to being ladybugs little sidekick?"

Adrien grew indignant at that.

"I'm, I'm not her sidekick. I'm her partner!"

Catwoman raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really? Well, Paris doesn't seem to think so. And from your reply, even you don't. You're always her partner. Hers to call in to do the work as she takes credit."

Adrien wanted to rebuttals but Catwoman put a hand on his shoulder.

"Tell me, be honest, what do you want? Adrien?"

Adrien was about to question how she knew, but from all of this and perhaps his actions. It might have been obvious at this point. To be quite frank, adrien didn't fully know what he wanted. Adrien shook his head as he stood there.

"I-I don't, I just want to be respected."

Was all he said as his head dropped down.

"I mean, I planned this really nice little candlelight picnic on a roof. You know? And it took weeks to prepare and get everything's since it's hard to do it as the real me. And she doesn't even show up."

Adrien clenched his fists.

"I work so hard to respect her wishes, but I told her I really needed her to be there. She can't even do that for me, over a couple of friends. I barely have those. I can't hang out with friends because I'm too good to have them."

Adrien said staring at his hands.

"Father doesn't let me out and I have to constantly risk everything for her, sure being a hero is hard but being plan old Adrien? I feel like he's the mask I have to wear everyday just to survive."

Catwoman pulled his face into her hands.

"You don't have to be Chat noir to be yourself. Maybe you just have to stop being a slave to the people in your life. I like your talent and admirable ideology. You have some pretty good ideas and you've worked hard to show them."

Catwoman extended her hand.

"I want you to be my apprentice. There's way better scores then just a ratty old diamond named after you kid."

Adrien stared at her hand, so tempted.

"What about ladybug?"

Catwoman looked around them.

"I don't see her trying to stop you. Who needs her anyhow? Let's just show Paris how powerless they be without their tomcat friend huh? Us felines have to stick together. After all, not much will really focus on us wild cats."

Adrien did not hesitate the second time to shake her hand. Just in time too, the alarm rang and his ring beeped. It had only one paw left. Catwoman quickly brought him to a back alley away from the store. She left him with her number and then fled from the scene. As he detransformed he finally realized there was someone else too. He looked to Plagg who was facing him with a serious expression.

"Wait! I know you're disappointed but I don't regret this, you can take the miraculous back! I just, I don't think I can take much more of my life!" "Kid-"
"and maybe I shouldn't have rushed into this but it's so hard to be me! To be perfect son Adrien agreste and not have to be sad. To always smile and act like everything is fine!"

He paused as he turned to Plagg who was touching his nose.

"I know, and that's why I'm staying with you."

Adrien felt as if the air was pushed out of him. "What?"

Plagg sighed as he hugged Adrien the best he could.

"You've been one of the best kittens of my entire existence, the miraculous, don't necessarily have to be used for good. But I can't be used to kill anyone. That's not how I work and I know that's not something you will do. I think it's good for you to join Catwoman. She can show you the ropes."

Adrien paused before looking at the number in his hand.

"Plagg, if we do this, promise me that there's no going back. I don't think I will handle it if things go back to how they use to be."

Plagg nodded swearing on his cheese he would. Adrien laughed having his mood lifted. Before realizing his still wore and had everything he had stolen. The chat diamond lay on his ring and he had some shredded t-shirt on.

"Well, lets hope you have enough juice to make it home."

Adrien easily snuck back inside his room without complications. Adriens stuck all the stuff he stole in his secret compartment that he hides things from Natalie in.

Just a Feline ( Batman x Miraculous Ladybug  Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now