Chapter 7 - Going Somewhere?

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"Look Alexander! Look! Quickly look. Watch me."

With his feet still in the cool flow of the river, he looked up to see Rosia dancing around in circles. Her hands were above her head and she kept trying to balance on the tip of her right foot with every spin.

Her red dress spun out around her and gently blew in the warm breeze. She was giggling to herself as she slowly spun, round and round. Alexander couldn't help but smile at his sister, she was enjoying herself so much. He took a photo using his lenses. He wanted to capture her smile.

"Your smile lights up any room, Rosia. Don't get too dizzy though" he said as the smile grew on his face.

"Keep watching."
For a bit Alexander was confused about what she meant but he saw movement around her bare feet. Something was poking out of the ground. It took a split second for Alexander to realise what it was.

Buds were growing around her and soon there were half a dozen all around his little sister. Alexander took his feet out of the river and leant forwards, watching his sister in pure amazement. The half a dozen buds started to flower in an assortment of vibrant colours.

Other buds started to appear and soon they started to flower. Different kinds grew around all her, tall ones, short ones, ones with loads of petals and others with just a few. The tree next to her started to turn pink and blossom slowly drifted down around her. It was like a scene from a fairy tale. Alexander continued to watch with pure delight.

Rosia carried on spinning with a massive smile on her face and her eyes were shining bright with pride. He couldn't help but laugh. How she was doing all of this, he had no idea. The last time she had shown him what her talents allowed her to do, was only a few weeks ago, and all she could do was make a fully grown plant flower. This was many levels above where she was meant to be.

His smile grew, he watched his little sister as she continued to make the blossoms gently drift from the tree over her and the flowers shoot up from the soil.

Watch her.

Alexander noticed that Rosia's right leg started to wobble, she lost her footing and tripped. He sprinted and caught her before she fell into the flowers below her. He gently knelt down, holding her in his arms.

"Did you see that? I've been practising, but that was the best one yet. Please tell me you saw it." She looked up at her brother and smiled.

"I saw it and it was beautiful, I really enjoyed it. You've gotten so good. My little sister's growing up fast." He smiled and brushed her hair from her eyes. "Well done."

Rosia giggled softly, slowly shut her eyes and took a deep breath. "I don't feel so good."

Alexander kissed her forehead, he knew how she felt. He remembered when he had first exhausted himself and his power. It wasn't a good feeling.

Luckily for Rosia, she had stopped when she started to wobble and Alexander had caught her. He kissed her forehead again and gently stroked her cheek. "You'll feel better in a minute, I promise. You just overworked yourself. It's okay, it happens to everyone sooner or later."

Rosia opened her eyes and stared up at her brother. "Even you?" she asked softly.

Alexander laughed. "Even me, come on Sweetie. Let's get you home, stay there while I collect our things".

He gently laid his sister down and ran over to collect their shoes and his backpack. He searched through his bag until he came to something wrapped in purple foil, he placed the item in his pocket, and placed Rosia's shoes in the bag. He picked up his socks and shoes, and placed them on his feet. He took extra care with his shoes, making sure they were done up well. Standing up slowly, he slung the bag onto his shoulders while swinging his arm through the straps at the same time. He strolled over to Rosia as he was putting his other arm through the strap, and took the item in the purple foil out of his pocket. "I snuck this out before we left, I was planning on sharing it later, but it will help you to feel better."

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