Chapter 20 - The Human Piñata

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"What makes you think I'm going to tell you. When I get free, I'm kicking all of your arses down to the station and into a cell. Then I'm throwing away the key."

Wolfie growled at Sykes.

"And you, boy, I might just hand you into the dog pound. I'm not scared of a couple of kids. When we take you in, we are going to teach you a good lesson. One you won't ever forget."

Alexander punched Sykes in the face, causing his nose to bleed.

"That's for my sister. Where is she?"

"Oh, I'm going to have so much fun with you down at the station."

Alexander punched him again and repeated the question. Sykes laughed.

"I'm counting these boy, and they will come back to get you."

"Enough games. Where is she?"

"Alive, for now. If you let me go and allow me to drag you down to the station, I might take you to see her. I'm nice though, I'll let you have the choice of going fully conscious or unconscious."

Alexander started to lose his cool. Emotion threatened to take over, and he knew that Sykes could see this. He was testing him, waiting for him to snap. But he wasn't about to let him win.

"If you tell me where she is, I might let you go from here and I'll give you a choice. You can go alive, or dead."

Sykes smirked.

"Tough words for a little boy. Are you really brave enough to stick by them? Or are you as weak and cowardly as your father."

Alexander punched him again, this time breaking his nose.

"I swear to God, you tell me where she is or I'm going to-"

"Do what? Your parents lied to you. Especially your father, he has bigger secrets than we both know."

Jathan walked into the tent, just in time to see Alexander lunge at Sykes. Alexander grabbed his neck and slowly squeezed. Jathan ran towards him and dragged him away, kicking.

"I swear to God, if you have hurt her-"

"Alexander stop. He isn't worth it."

Sykes laughed, clearly enjoy the state of Alexander.


The room went quiet, the only noise was Alexander trying and failing to break free from Jathan's grip.

"Okay, enough of this. Wolfie, stop growling at him, he isn't going to take you to the pound. None of us are going in. Jathan, get Alexander out of here and calm him down. He isn't any good in this state, we'll take it from here."

Theo walked towards Sykes, he pulled a chair out from underneath the table and sat directly in front of him. Dara walked in after and stood behind him, glaring at the bloody man in front of her.

"Well, well, well. I didn't expect to see you two, I've seem to have hit a gold mine tonight. First Fawn, then my good old pal Ross, and now you two."

"Sykes. We have some information that we would wish to gain. One way or another."

"No small talk ah, straight down to business. Like father like son."

"We know your team took Rosia Fawn. We would like to know her whereabouts and how she is." Dara walked over to Sykes as she spoke, watching him as he took in his situation. She was always curious about how the man worked.

"Awww, thank you for asking. I'm doing well, could be a little more comfortable, but hey. This is the nicest bit of rope that has been used to tie me down. Maybe you should tell me where you get it from. I would shake your hand, but you know. It's a bit tied up with other things right now."

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