Chapter 30 - Tall Bulky Doors

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The artificial light reflected off of the golden embellishments that covered the doors. The doors were in fact a type of steel, but the architect of the building preferred the look of wooden doors. But they wouldn't do, they weren't secure enough. Wood could be burnt and over time would need a lot of repairs. So he created the doors that had the same look and feel of wood, but with all the strength of steel.

The golden embellishments told the story of the modern government and how it came to be. It shows the history of the city in beautiful, delicate carvings that you could look at for days and still not see every tiny detail. The doors themselves were wonderful art pieces that showed the stature of the people behind them.

Outside of the office stood three heavily armed guards, who were trained extensively to catch anyone who tries to enter. Inside there were important people, talking about important and carefully guarded matters.

Sitting behind a desk with a body guard either side was Victor Deadlock. A person very rarely seen in public due to his position. The man running a place like this could not possibly go outside unless it was for crucial and unmissable announcements. He had the best bodyguards on the planets. They never left his side, never needed breaks, or food. They just needed to recharge every couple of months, but that was easier. The guards tracked every single movement in the room, a particle of dust couldn't move without their knowledge. Constantly scanning the area for threats, there was nothing that went on that they couldn't detect, including poisons in the air. With these, Deadlock was untouchable.

In front of his desk stood his second in command, Arnold Blackham. Although his height wasn't anything to go on, he definitely wasn't a guy to overlook. His black hair was neatly combed, his skin was clear, and his eyes were always watching. The suit he wore was immaculate, not a single hair was on it. The tie was done perfectly, his shirt looked newly bought, his blazer smoothed and buttoned up.

He was the guy everyone saw around. He kept everything in check and was Deadlock's most trusted colleague, and friend. He stood straight with his hands at his side, attention focused on the man sitting at the desk.

"So we are still waiting for him? Here he comes, late." There was nothing more that Blackham hated than lateness.

In that moment the door was thrown open as Sykes barged through it. He walked straight ahead and if Blackham hadn't stepped to the side, he would have had a close up of the floor. His fists came crashing down on the desk, making the man next to him jump even further, but Deadlock didn't flinch a muscle.

"Why didn't you tell me? How dare you don't tell me something like this!"

"It was none of your concern to know the details."

"None of my -" Sykes started to yell before being silenced by one of Deadlock's pudgy hands

"None of your concern!"

"Did you really think I wouldn't find out, did it not cross your mind for a second. I told Blackham and he told me not to bring it up to you. But you knew didn't you? How dare you! How bloody dare you!"

The robot started to move forwards as the atmosphere in the room became tencer, but Deadlock calmly raised a hand to it, making it move back to its original place.

"I think you should calm down, Sykes."

Sykes turned to Blackham. He imagined himself strangling Blackham's, strangely neat neck.

"You can shut up. You tried to brush this under the carpet like it was nothing. You were concerned that I would come in here and do something rash. We are all aware of the type of person I am, so I would suggest you keep your mouth shut for the rest of the meeting before I actually strangle you."


"If you are going to tell me to calm down again, I will hit you. Consider that a complementary warning." He turned back to Blackham. "You should have told me." He slammed his fists down on the desk again, knocking a pot of pens over onto the floor. "Christ you should have just told me." His voice was calmer this time.

"None of your concern. You are paid to do a job, no matter how many people you hurt, no matter who you hurt. You're the best man I have, don't make me reconsider that statement. Now, any news on our project?" Questioned Deadlock, like the previous sentences didn't matter. "Well? At least give me some good news Sykes before I lose my temper." He shouted across the room. Sykes kept his mouth shut, pushing down the anger inside of him before speaking again.

"Well? Or you not wanting to open you mouth in fear of disappointing me again?"

Sykes stood up straight and forced himself to lock eyes with Deadlock, he spoke up confidently, not letting the old man shatter his confidence, showing no sign of the previous emotion.

"Your little study is moving closer to it's goal. We managed to get a single drop. However it isn't enough to replicate just yet. We need to try again, but we are so much closer, sir."

A smirk grew over the old man's face. He stood up and looked out of the window.

"Oh wonderful news. I was growing so impatient, we had no advances for years. So many failed tests, so many attempts. How long do they think it will take?"

"We are unsure sir."

"How about the others?"

"Going well as always." Sykes spoke like his normal self. Deadlock was right, this was just another job.

"Good, but I need that notebook Sykes. It could ruin everything that we've worked on. I need them kids caught so we can get them out of the way. I need you to do your job."

Deadlock looked at Sykes for any sign that the man was breaking. But after his outburst he seemed back to his usual self. He guessed Sykes just needed to get that out of his system.

"I want them here. Do whatever you need to, I just need them. And Sykes, I need them alive and as unharmed as possible."

Sykes took a bow before turning to leave.
"Sykes you better not be going soft on me, I don't need you of all people to be doing that." Deadlock said to him calmly.

Sykes eyes showed a flash of sadness, but as quickly as it appeared, it went.

"Of course sir." He replied in an emotionless tone.

"Do what you have to Sykes." Blackham said from beside him. Sykes shot him a look before turning towards the doors.

Sykes walked out of the bulky doors, knowing what he needed to do. He needed a new idea to get what he needed. He needed new tricks. Or at least, he needed someone who knew a way to get to them.

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