Chapter 27 - Bacon For TeaUntitled Part 28

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A wonderful shadow show illuminated by vibrant oranges and yellow spread across Alexander's cell as the sun sent out its last rays of warmth for the day. The temperature dropped to a comfortable heat as he laid on the pure white sheets of the bed. His surroundings were something he couldn't become accustomed to. The white tiled floor reflected the pure white lighting that usually created an uncomfortable brightness. However, today the lights had been turned off in Alexander's room by request of the doctor, so he only had a simple bedside lamp that was placed in the room so he could still see his way around. Not that there was much to look at anyways. Everything was pure white, and scrubbed daily.

After a couple days of rest, Alexander finally got out of bed and stood on his own two feet without support. Nothing hurt, and his head felt much lighter. The doctor came round for her normal morning check in, and was surprised to see him up so early. Another check over revealed that Alexander was all healed with no lasting damage. She was fully satisfied and walked to the door ready to leave, but before opening the door, she turned back to the boy.

"I think you are aware of what's going to happen now."

"You're gonna have to tell him I'm healed. There's nothing else you can do."

"I'm sorry Alexander, if only I could - "

"Don't worry about me. You've done all that you can."

She smiled warmly at him.

"I believe the rumors. They are scared for the right reasons, I've seen in your head. I have seen your deepest thoughts."

"Well they have got a cute smile, but we aren't going to run into the sunset together," laughed Alexander.

"I like your sense of humour, but you know what I mean." Alexander's smile dropped, he couldn't think of any light-hearted response. He knew very well what she was on about.

"What can I do? What can we do? We're nobody."

"And nobody can make a difference."

She winked before walking out, leaving a confused Alexander to ponder over her words. Sitting on the bed, he dozed into a comfortable sleep, he couldn't remember the last time he had a good sleep, apart from being knocked out, but he didn't think that counted. He woke up, not knowing how long he slept for. He stretched, half expecting to be back in the tent, but instead he rolled over and was nearly scared to death.

"Good evening." The man gently pulled the blanket higher up over Alexander's shoulders. "Don't want you to catch a cold now do we?"

The man sat back on his chair and watched Alexander. He didn't know whether to go back to sleep and hope it's a terrible dream, or to accept the fact either Sykes was going crazy, or he was fucked.

"How are you feeling kiddo?"

Alexander studied Sykes' face, the guy looked calm. His body language and expression gave nothing away, but Alexander didn't expect it to.

"Erm, fine. Yourself?"

He was having a casual conversation with the man who raided his house, took away his parents and sister, and knocked him out. Sykes was acting like that worried father whose son had just had a nasty fall.

"Good. Down to business then."

Sykes stood up, and lent over before grabbing Alexander by the shirt the doctor had given him. Everything happened so suddenly, he gripped onto Sykes' scarred hands as they held onto the front of his top as he was yanked out of the comfort of the bed and slammed into a nearby chair.

No one spoke for a while, they just sat there staring at each other. Syke's face had turned an odd shade of red, either from lifting Alexander from the bed or anger. He hoped for the first one.

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