Chapter 23 - Reflections in the Mermaid's eyes

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Shadows stretched along the cooling ground as the sun slowly drifted down towards the horizon. If you were watching from the hilltop you would see a group of young people emerge from behind the cover of trees and descend down the hill side. They all seem to be restless, none of them staying in line. You can hear the laughter, but it sounds forced. You can hear the nerves in the chatter, but you think nothing of it. The children probably played out too long and know they'll be in trouble once they return home to their families in the city.

They seem like ordinary children that have been out exploring in the woods, and you wouldn't be wrong. They are ordinary children. But who says ordinary people can't make things happen, who says ordinary people can't make a difference. These children are the spark of something that none of them could foretell, these children are the start of something extraordinary.


They got to the edge of the city and split up. It was decided that it was best to go to the centre of the city by three different routes. Dara's group was to take the quickest route to blend in as best as they could amongst the evening crowds.

"Lilith, you take Leo and Lassie, you look the most like a group of siblings. Look like you are looking for veg to take home or something. Ralf you go with Sarmi. Keep an eye out for trouble."

The city was as normal, shoppers exploring shops and market stalls, looking at goods that caught their eyes. In the middle of the city was a beautiful marble fountain of mermaid surrounded by fish. Her hair was tinted green and the lights reflected off of her stunning gemmed eyes. It was said that if you looked hard enough into the mermaid's eyes you would see your future.

Directly in front of the fountain was the officer's station. The station towered over the people below, warning them of what happens to those who break the law. Inside were offices for the officers, and cells for those they had arrested. This was also where Rosia was being moved from. However, it was near impossible to enter unnoticed. The plan however, wasn't to enter, it was to wait until Rosia was outside. The group were hoping she wouldn't be too heavily guarded, considering she poses no threat to anyone.

The pairs separated from one another and walked casually around the city. For most, this was the first time they'd been in the city since their past had bought them to the group. It was only about ten minutes after this that the second group had arrived at the city, they had checked the surrounding areas for any signs that there would be trouble, luckily for the, everything seemed normal.

"Ralf, try not to look on edge so much. Everything is going to be okay. We're just here to keep an eye out."

Sarmi tried to calm the small boy next to her, but nothing was working.

"But what if I... what if I can't -"

"- it's okay. Just breath. Let's go sit by the fountain, we can keep watch there and you can watch the water if you get anxious."

Carefully they strolled towards the cool water of the fountain and sat on the damp stone. The city was full of life in the evening, party goers, shoppers, people going to eat. There definitely weren't a lack of characters. Ralf looked at the people and guessed what they might be out for. Some women passed with children by their side. They were laughing a smiling, clearing having a great time out. A little girl stopped and pointed to a big, fluffy, grey puppy before walking towards it. The mother quickly responded by pulling her daughter away from it.

"Come on dear, you don't know where he has been or what he is carrying."

Once they had passed, the puppy ran towards the fountain and sat directly in front of Sarmi.

"Shoo. Go away."

"Ralf, stop it. He isn't going to hurt you, look at his eyes."

Ralf stare into the dog's huge yellow eyes. He instantly relaxed. This dog wasn't harmful to anyone unless it needed to be. He was a great protector of everyone in the group.

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