Chapter 29 - Leaving the Light Behind

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The boys ran down the hall, glancing quickly in all directions. With their talents bounded they only had their wits and senses to rely on, and most importantly, each other. They had been running in silence for a while when Jathan spoke.

"Didn't we come this way?"

"I have no idea... I... I can't remember anymore. This place is built like a maze. Everything is just white floor and white walls."

"I don't like this Alex. I don't like this at all. Which way are we going? I feel like we are getting deeper, but at the same time it feels like we are getting nowhere."

The boys kept moving, they agreed on this previously. If they stayed still there was more of a chance of getting caught. If they kept moving, there was still a chance of getting caught. But at least they would have tried.

"Okay, what are we doing?" Jathan tried to catch his breath, but after running for a while and very little food, his body was starting to weaken. The beating for Sykes really didn't help either. "Are we going to find Rosia or the way out? Currently, I think that we are going in circles."

"We spoke about this back at the cell, we're going to -"

Alexander stopped suddenly and pushed Jathan close to the wall, he turned towards his friend and placed a finger on his lip. Jathan shrugged his shoulders slowly, he was behind Alexander so he couldn't see what they almost ran into. Luckily Alexander had seen them before they had seen him.

Guards. Three armed guards stood outside a set of bulky double door. There was no way they could get passed them without being spotted, if they went forwards they would be going directly in front of them, if they went round the corner, the guard would only have to look in front of them to see them.

Leaning around Alexander, Jathan tried to catch a glimpse of the reason for their sudden brake. When he saw them, he swore under his breath. He mouthed to Alexander, asking what they were going to do. They had two options, wait and hope for a conveniently timed distraction, or retreat.

Alexander pointed back the way they came and the boys crept once again down the hall. Instead of going left where they had come from, Alexander directed his friend straight ahead.

"We don't know for definite if Rosia is here, and this place is getting ridiculous, I can't even track where we've been. I never thought I'd say this, but we'll just have a look around, we go for whatever one we find first. Rosia, or the way out."

"I agree, we need more people to cover ground quicker."

Their footsteps were quiet and even though they passed many guards, some of which they didn't see, they were unheard. They came to a hallway they hadn't been down before, because this one didn't look the same as the other ones connected to it. The other corridors were well lit and spotless, the walls were a clean cream colour, however, here the lights were hanging from chains that were attached to the ceiling and the walls looked darker.

Alexander looked up at the ceiling, naked pipes were on show and he could see the beams in the ceiling. A few ceiling panels were still attached to the framework that was meant to hide the bare skeleton of the building. But many of the panels had long fallen down and no one bothered to replace them. This place was falling into a state of disrepair.

This place didn't have much of a smell, which was strange, seeing as everywhere else smelt of bleach. The door frames, that had no doors in, were arches instead of rectangular and they had bizarre markings above them. This wasn't an area of the station that many people saw.

"Alexander, I don't think this is the way out, or anything else to be honest. This place is giving me the creeps."

"There, in the corner... I'm going down."

Jathan had to look carefully to see what Alexander was on about. In the corner of the hall was a set of dark, steep steps that led down into darkness.

"Oh hell no."

Jathan stood there shaking his head. He felt sick to his stomach and his hands were coated in perspiration. His windpipe felt like it was slowly closing up on him and he held onto his chest as if he was worried his heart was going to jump out. He had started to go pale.

Before taking the first step into the unknown, Alexander turned to check his friend was still behind him. When he saw what was happening he ran back to him.

"Are you okay? You're shaking like hell."

"I can't go down there."

"Are you claustrophobic? We don't have to go down, we could find another corridor."

"It looks exactly like my uncles stairs that led to the basement." Jathans heart raced faster and faster as he stared at the blackness. "It's where we stayed, he would come home from the pub and...he would..."

Alexander wrapped his arms around the boy before he could say anymore. He had never seen him like this before, he had no idea what to do. Would hugging make it worse? Did he need space? Alexander needed to think of something. He needed to move his friend somewhere, but currently he was rooted to the spot.

"Jathan, look at me. You're not there. Haylen is with Theo and he will keep her safe, and Leo too. But right now we are going to need to keep moving. Whether that's down there or somewhere else, we can't stay still. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere."
Jathan took a deep breath and a moment later he look into Alexander's bright eyes and nodded.

"Okay. But I go down first, and before you ask, yes I'm sure. I can't let him keep winning."

"We don't have to."

"We do." Jathan said as he placed a foot on the first step. The cold hit him as he walked further down. He fought off a shiver.

Alexander smiled and nodded, and a few seconds later he was heading down the dark twisted stairs, leaving the warmth and light behind them. Jathan paused occasionally and Alexander kept reminding him that they could find another way. But after taking a deep breath he would continue down the steps, one at a time.

Down and down they went, for what felt like an eternity. The bottom wasn't much better than the stairs. It was dark, cold and damp. They were in an underground tunnel, beneath the modern station. The smell was one Alexander couldn't describe, and one he hoped he wouldn't have to experience again.

"As if today couldn't get any creepier." Jathan said as he tried to search the darkness for any sign of light.

They walked side by side down the wet tunnel, their shoes stepping in puddles of what they were hoping was water. They could see no clear end and no smaller tunnels connecting to this one, it was one long, straight path towards the unknown. The darkness only thickened as they ventured further.

As he was walking, Alexander felt something warm stroke his hand, making him jump. Afterwards he realised what it was and he waited. He felt it again but this time he held onto it and gently he rubbed his thumb up and down Jathan's. Alexander turned to face Jathan, and smiled, but it was too dark to see him. But he didn't mind, he felt his friend's warmth. It gave him a sense of security. He knew he would be beside him, no matter what. 

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