Chapter 19 - Phoenix's Plan

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Phoenix turned toward Alexander's voice, just in time to see him tripping out from cover. His legs were kicking out in strange directions as he tried to find grip on the ground. He wasn't exactly trying to be quiet. He watched Sykes give his orders and then start to run after him. Not exactly what they had in mind, but close enough, least he was away from the rest of the group.

The group was advancing forwards, just as Sykes had commanded. They walked cautiously towards the camp, watching each and every step, staying very close to each other. They didn't look too confident with their footing. They were not sure what they were meant to be doing, with their commander gone, they were lost. With their commander gone, they were exactly how Phoenix wanted them to be.

Phoenix turned to their twin to check with him about their next move. Ryatt was there to lend support in case things didn't go to plan, but this was primarily up to Phoenix. But they didn't mind.

They allowed themself to relax and concentrate. Shutting their eyes, they focused on the build and shape of their body. Crafting it perfectly and carefully. They felt their cells move around, their skin bubbled and stretched, their skeleton shifted. It was a strange sight for those who had never seen it before, but it was painless for Phoenix. It just felt like odd pins and needles to them. Features became present and more defined. Movement ceased and Phoenix concentrated on their breathing. In and out. Slowly, deeply. They waited for the pins and needles to stop.

Once they were convinced they were done, they looked for approval. Ryatt gave a thumbs up from his hiding spot in the tree. Phoenix readied themself, now for the hard part. They moved quickly to the spot where Alexander was last seen, silently and quickly.

When they were in place they took one last relaxed breath before speeding up their heart rate and running out from the bush.

"Sir? What happened? I thought you were going to get the boy."

"He got away, the camp is empty, they knew we were coming."

"But how sir?"

Phoenix's brain raced, they needed to act as the commander, but they were normally a follower, not a leader. They needed to work out how Sykes would normally act. From what Alexander had said, he was very sure of himself. Confident and unafraid. So that's how Phoenix must be. Fake it until you make it.

"I don't know, do it? We must have a traitor among us. When I find out what one of you snivelling chickens it is, you will regret the day you opened your mouth."

The group was silent. Phoenix tried so hard to hold back a smile, they believed this illusion so well. Either that, or they were so scared of Sykes anyway, that they wouldn't question if they did notice something odd about him.

"The boy was the last to leave, obviously here to laugh us off. I lost him deep in the woods, they must have had a secret escape somewhere. We will find them. But we would be idiots to try when it is this dark. Only a complete twit would go in blind. So anyone want to argue with that decision?"


"No? Good. We'll head back and tell them the truth. They moved on, and we have a traitor somewhere. They knew somehow." Phoenix needed a reason to walk away from the group, they had to think quick. "You guys head on, I'll catch up. I want to see if I can find any evidence of an escape route."

"But you said only a twit would go in blind tonight."

"Are you questioning me? You guys are babies who can't do anything without clinging to a leader. So it would stupid to allow you lot to wander into an area where traps are set. If they don't get you, you'll probably get scared and accidentally shoot another member of the team. Or if you are that darn dim witted, you might shoot yourself, and I don't doubt that will happen. So I'm going to go have a quick check to see if it is worth bringing a team back here to go through their escape route because I don't want to be the one to explain that we didn't check it out before we went back. So are you kids going to be okay to walk back yourself, or do you need daddy to hold your hand?"

The team looked at Phoenix for a moment before turning around and slowly walking towards the border.

"Actually, you know what...? Burns, with me. The rest of you, regroup with the other teams. Tell them I told you to head back, there is nothing here. I'll meet you back at the base in a couple of hours. I want to see if I can work something out."

"Yes sir."

Once again they set off, Phoenix watched them walk through the barrier before speaking. The seal wobbled as the team passed the threshold. Phoenix hoped that Theo's memory charm worked. Hopefully the team would have forgotten what they had actually seen.

"Okay Burns, you're the lucky bastard who is stuck with me. Let's go."

Burns nodded and followed Phoenix closely, and without question. They led him further into the woods and towards the camp.

"Burns, go have a look at the tree, closely. Tell me what them markings mean."

Burns paused.

"But sir, I don't see any markings."

"That's why I said closely."

Burns looked confused, but slowly started walking towards the tree.

"Sir, I still don't... AHHHHHH!"

The shadow of the tree had risen from the ground, trapping the soldier in it's black branches. Burns tried to scream, but a thin black finger covered his mouth. Ryatt jumped from the tree and tied a rope around Burns and the shadow. Once he finished he released the shadow, allowing it to slowly dissolve into its original state, leaving a confused and panicked Burns tied up.

Ryatt walked towards Phoenix.

"And now for you, Sykes... What have you got to say for yourself?"

Phoenix tried to keep a straight face, and attempted to play along. They saw Burns watching hopefully from beside the tree. They raised their hands.

"You got me. You young people are far too good for me. I'm just a giant teddy bear in cute tight clothing. I can't do anything properly, as for my officers, we just get them from schools. We are useless against you lot."

Burns eyes widened with realisation. "But I can tell when people are lying. How? How did I not know? Who are you?"

Phoenix smiled towards him as they slowly changed back to themself.

Burns screamed.

Ryatt collapsed on the floor in laughter.

"Oh wow" he cried in between laughs, " I can't believe that they didn't realise. Oh man. Well done Phoenix, your best one yet."

Phoenix bowed dramatically and then laughed.

"Let's get this one back, and then see the real commander."

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