Chapter 11 - The Healer

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Muffled voices filled his ears. Alexander focused on them, using them as a way to pull himself back to reality. Birds were singing, the leaves in the trees rustled gently. A sharp stabbing pain in his rib assured him he was alive, not in one piece, but alive.

"... seriously Ryatt I mean it."

"Shut it. I think we should just leave him here."

"Stop poking him with the stick or I'll get Jathan."

"Why have you gotta ruin my fun?"

Alexander heard someone call for help, followed by a loud over exaggerated sigh.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're such a killjoy?"

A tall boy strolled up to the others and looked at the body on the floor.

"Haylan, run and tell Theo that we are bringing someone in. Then alert Sarmi, she is gonna need to get her things together. Ryatt, you stay here with me."

Footsteps could be felt through the dirt, as they ran quickly away from the scene and into the trees in the distance, looking for assistance. A gentle vibration was felt next to him as the stick was unwillingly dropped to the floor, he tried opening his eyes, but his head was still fuzzy and his eyes uncooperative. Voices filled his ears, their words sounding unfamiliar and distant as Alexander fought for consciousness, clinging to the sounds in hope of pulling himself towards the world of the living. He laid there in a state of paralysis, unable to react.

Warmth touched his bare skin as hands gripped him firmly, slowly lifting his tired body from the bramble. Blood rushed to the wounds covering his body, he felt the warm liquid drip down his cold and dirty skin, acting quickly to form a shield from invading germs. Thorns were still pressed into his soft skin, creating a burning and itchy sensation, he could feel the buildup of pressure behind the spikes as his body worked to dislodge the alien object.

"I don't like the look of this one. What happens if he is one of them?"

"Look at him, does he look like one of them? You don't like anyone new."

A quiet, low groan escaped his mouth as the world started to spin again, his ears ringing as they tried to translate the world around him. He felt nauseous, his dehydrated body, alarming him that all was not well.

"He's alive. Quick, if we walk away now he may not even realise we were here."

"We are not walking away, we do not walk away from those who need help. Where would you be if I had left you where I found you? Where would Phoenix be?"

"Fine. We help him, then he goes."

Alexander tried to speak but all he could manage was a few moans. But least it was enough to let them know he was alive. He wanted to open his eyes, he wanted to see Rosia, to see if she was okay, but his body just wasn't responding no matter what he tried.

"No, no. Don't try to move. Just relax, we're here to help you.You're going to be okay"

Attempting to move his toes, he realized that he had no feeling in his legs, his entire lower half felt numb. Instead he tried concentrating moving his fingers, but nothing happened. He laid there, motionless.

"Can you tell us your name?"

Opened his mouth slowly he tried inhaling deeply. His chest stung, his lungs burning as fresh oxygen rushed in.

"Ah... "

Alexander tried to say his name but the word just wouldn't come to him, not easily anyways. He moved his tongue to the top of his mouth and flicked it downwards.

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