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Three years ago

"Just let me see them." Harry McCoy said flashing a smile that showed off his adorable gap. His hair was long and messy falling into his eyes giving him a boyish look even though at fifteen, he was older than everyone else in my class.

I ran my tongue along my teeth, something I did way too much since I got my braces off. "I don't want to." I said with a shrug. I felt awkward. This wasn't going how I imagined it.

It wasn't supposed to be so light in the closet, firstly. When I pictured this moment, the closet was dark with just a hint of light coming from outside. This closet was bright due to the skylights on the roof letting in all of the sun.

Secondly, Harry was supposed to be the same shy boy he had been in middle school. He was quiet and kind. But ever since he had turned fifteen, he was kind of a jerk. I'd heard he was rebranding for high school.

Give me a break.

Lastly, most importantly, he was supposed to ask me to kiss him. I had imagined it for days, ever since I had heard that Millie was throwing this party. Ever since I learned I was invited.

I knew they would play seven minutes in heaven. So I made a plan.

What's the saying. If you want to make God laugh...

Yeah, he was probably up there wheezing.

Because Harry hadn't asked me to kiss him. He'd asked to see my boobs.

"Just whip them out." He said as if it was something casual.

I crossed my arms. "I'm not going to show you my boobs, Harry. Be quiet. "

He waggled his eyebrows. "Why not? You have the biggest ones here."

I scoffed. Was that supposed to make me want to whip them out? I was very insecure about my body. Not in a I looked bad kind of way, just in a 'I didn't want the attention' kind of way. I had developed boobs and curves way earlier than most of my classmates. It wasn't like my boobs were big. It was more like I was the only one to have noticeable boobs in the first place.

"I think the three minutes are up." I said reaching for the doorknob. Harry McCoy was all of a sudden a four to me.

He moved quickly maneuvering his body until he was in front of me, his hands quickly going to my breast.

I gasped, slapping his hands out of the way. "What the heck is your problem?" I yelled, pushing him out of my way.

He simply laughed, pulling the door open himself and walking out with confidence.

I clenched my teeth before walking out of the closet and into the room behind him.

My eyes immediately went to my best friend.

Aiden raised a brow in a silent question. Did you do it?

I subtly shook my head adding an eye roll so that he would know just how terrible it was. When I went to sit by him he tossed an arm over my shoulders. "How bad was it?" He asked with humor in his tone.

I crossed my arms again, hiding my breast from the group so that no one would get any other ideas.

"He's a jerk." I whispered.

Aiden nodded. "I told you this."

He had. Aiden never passed up an opportunity to say I told you so.

"Yeah, well. I guess I had to find out for myself. " I mumbled.

He turned to me, staring at me. "What happened?"

I shrugged. I could feel my cheeks burning. "He asked me to show him my boobs." I hissed. I still couldn't believe it.

Aiden stiffened, pulling me closer against him. "Asshole."

I flicked him. He had gotten into the habit of cursing more often these days and I didn't like it.

"Sorry." He mumbled. His eyes scanned the room until they landed on Harry. And then he kept staring. It was weird.

Then again, Aiden was weird.

We had been best friends since I was seven so I could say that. No one else could.

I knew what he was doing now. He was trying to pick a fight with Harry, because we protected each other.

I had known he would. I had debated not telling him what happened in that dreaded closet but there was no way around it. We didn't lie to each other.

"Calm down." I said under my breath, pretending to listen as more dares were passed out.

He didn't budge. "I'm calm" he said.

He was calm. Which was bad. He always got really calm right before he was about to blow his lid. Normally I could talk him down.

"It's not like I actually showed him my boobs." I said tugging on his arm. "Come on, let's get some food."

He nodded, rising from the circle.

We walked into the kitchen, Aiden looking lost in thought.

I grabbed a cupcake with bright green icing, smiling as I scooped some off with my index finger. "We're going to kill it in high school, Aiden."

I was confident. Unlike normal statistics, I knew Aiden and I would stay friends. Forever.

Even if this small stupid crush I had on him never went away.

He smiled. "Sure. I'll join the football team and you can be a cheerleader, cheering me on at every game."

I pushed him, chuckling. "Yeah right, who would let you on the football team? You have no hand-eye coordination."

With a quick swat he slapped the cupcake out of my hand, neatly snagging it out of the air.

I clapped. "Impressive. If only they had a cupcake catching team."

With a shrug he smeared the cupcake in my face, green icing going up my nose. "You talk to much, Grace."

"Aiden." I growled, snatching a napkin off of the table and wiping my face clean as best as I could.

"Did I get it all?" I asked, turning to face him.

He smirked, nodding his head.

I didn't trust him, so I pulled out my phone. Low and behold green icing still streaked my face. "You're going to be just as childish in high school, Aiden." I said my face breaking out into an unintentional smile.

He shrugged. "And you're going to love me just as much. You worry too much Grace. High school is not going to change us."

I nodded, grabbing another cupcake.

He was probably right.


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