Chapter One.

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First chapter and I hope you guys a ready for it.

Benjamin's POV.

  The first day of university and am ready for it and to search for my mate. I had been here from last week for orientation and to settle in my dorm room, and to choose my major, which is science and technology. I want to do something in that field so why not do something that I love while I look for my lover. It's a win, win.

I spent the entire of last week trying to sniff out my mate but as always, I failed. But I have a good feeling about this university and I met a few werewolves too.

  Right now am on way to my first lecture which is information technology, and I can't wait to get started. People might think am a bookworm, like in high school, the big muscular guy who's the captain of all the sports team, is a nerd.
But what they don't get is that I like learning new things and once I like doing something, I will stick to it even when I have mastered it.

    Anyway am walking to IT class when a cool breeze pass through and I catch a whip of the most wonderful scent I have ever smell, it's a hint of lavender and fresh morning dew. Could this be? Am I finally going to meet my mate? I inhale deeply trying to get another whip and the location it's coming but the wind stop and the smell is gone.

I stood there, too enchanted to move. Was I just in the same place as my mate? I quickly recover from the state am in and hurried to class, I don't want to be late and there's a fifty percent chance that my mate is in my class.

I hurried to lecture room 102 and got a seat in the middle, the class is almost full and that gives me a perfect opportunity to sniff out that scent again, but it wasn't there. Bummer. Class ended about half an hour ago and am in the library killing some time before my next class starts, am in the art section when that wonderful smell came back again but this time it is stronger and my wolf started to stir. Am there sniffing when a book fell out almost hitting me in the face.

   "I am s-...." I heard someone said and when I look up, the only thing I could hear in my head is. Mate.

Linden's POV.

Mate! My wolf shouted in my head. Could this be, is he the one I have been looking for? I can tell he's feeling the same way that am feeling right now because he's just staring at me like am the most precious thing he has ever seen. I have got to say something, I mean I almost hit him in the head with a book. Am so not acting cool right now.

    "H-hi Am, Hey?" Oh my God, I am such a loser.

   "Mine." He growled and my wolf purred in satisfaction.

What should I do? I thought to myself. Run, and that's what I did. I ran like a group of hunters were chasing me. All the way back to my dorm room.

   "Wow, wow. Slow down puppy!" Evan shriek when I almost knock him down. And I got to say, it wasn't very manly.

  Wait a minute. "What are you doing in my room?"

   "You share a room with my mate, remember?" He answered, looking at me like I am some crazy person.

   "Oh....right." I said throwing my bag on the ground and my keys on my desk.

Maybe I am crazy, is finding your mate makes you go loopy. Cause if it does, I definitely need to check myself into a mental institution. I suddenly remember why I ran here, to get away from him and to seek guidance from my best friend.

   "Where is Sam? And can you please leave." I said to Evan.

   "She went to the bathroom and no, am not leaving." Evan replied, making himself comfortable on Samantha's bed.

   "Ok, fine. Stay." I mumbled sitting on my bed.

At that moment Sam walked in and as she saw me, she started blabbering.

  "Where were you this morning, I waited for you and you never showed. How..."

   "Sam!" I yelled, which got her to shut up. "I was by the tech building looking for Ursula. Wait, that's not important. Guess What!" I yelled all excited. "I found my mate!"

    "YOU WHAT!" Both Sam and Evan shouted.

   "My mate, I found my mate." I said jumping.

I never knew finding my mate would make me so happy, it's like am complete now. I want to see him, I need to see him. My wolf is going crazy because we are so far apart from him.

  "OMG! Congratulations." Sam hugged me, the Evan joined in and we are now lock in one big bear hug.

   "So who is he and what does he look like?" Sam ask, pulling me down beside her on her bed.

    "I don't know who he is but I can never forget what he looks like, he has brunette hair, the most amazing blue eyes, those luscious pink lips and that muscular body. I think am falling in love already, is that bad?" I started to panic.

Samantha smiled at me before saying.

    "No, that's not bad, that's how you're supposed to feel when you find your mate." She looked at Evan with loving smile and he returned it.

That's how I want me and my mate to be like. Oh my gosh, I don't even know his name.

    "So did you say anything to him?" Sam ask.

    "No, ran out of the library like hunters were chasing me." I replied, feeling stupid. "It doesn't matter now because he might think am a freak and reject me."

    "Don't say that!" Sam yelled out in shock. "He's not going to reject you, he's probably going crazy because he didn't get to talk to you."

I sigh and walk to the door.

  "Where are you going?" I hear Evan ask.

   "Am going to find him and introduce myself." I answered, opening the door and leaving the room.

I didn't make it far when I heard footsteps behind me. They couldn't resist the urge to tag along.

A/N. So how is the story so far? Do you think Linden is going to make a fool of herself when she meets Ben again? Continue to read and find out.

Happy reading and remember  to comment and vote, thank you.

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