Chapter Eight.

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So how do you think my boys are doing since the rejection?  Read and find out.

   It has been a week since the rejection incident and Ben hasn't left his room or the frat house. He took his classes online and snack on the junk food he has in the mini-fridge in his room. The guys at the frat house is starting to worry because they knew Benjamin to be an outside person and always go to his classes, they don't know what's wrong with him so they can't help. Cedric and Eros knew but they can't help if Ben refuse to talk to them. He had been ignoring Linden as well, whenever she came to look for him or ring his phone, he wouldn't answer and that really hurts her. It's not her fault that he rejected their mate, and it's not her fault that he's feeling the effect of it right now. But she was wrong. Yes Ben is feeling this emptiness in his chest, yes his wolf stopped talking to him but that's not why he's ignoring her or distant from everyone else. He feels like Linden blames him for what happened and felt like Cedric and Eros are angry that he rejected their beta and ruined their pack's chances of having a strong alliance with his.

   He felt like the situation could have been handled better than it did. He shouldn't have let Eli won and he shouldn't have participated in his childish game. But you can't force someone to fall in love or mate with someone who doesn't want a mate. He is extremely proud of Linden, even though she cried to get things to go her way. At least she didn't let that jerk Eli win. That stupid bastard couldn't let reality happen like it should. Only hope he's enjoying his freedom. Ben thought as his phone buzz and Linden's name came up on the screen. He really needs to see her but he hasn't built up the courage to do so yet.

  He's still not answering." Linden said to Sam as she took the phone from her ear.

It's the eleventh time she has called him today without getting an answer from him and she's freaking out. Was it her fault? Did she do something wrong? She needs to know.

She tried his number again and it rings three time before he finally answer.

   "Hey, Ben am so happy to hear your voice." She practically scream from excitement. Relieved that he finally answered. "Why have you been avoiding me?"

Ben sigh a couple times before saying what he has got to say. " I felt so bad about what happened at the party that I thought you were mad at me for not trying harder."

  "Seriously Ben, I would never get upset with you over something you has no control over."

   "I know, but u could've done something to try and convince him that-"

   "You are an alpha, I know how it feels to want to protect your rep." Linden said. "So anyway, how are you feeling? Because am not feeling great."

   "What's wrong with you?" Ben sounded alarmed.

   "It's my wolf mostly, am kinda feel heartbroken that you guys rejected each other and he accepted me but isn't treating me like a mate." She sigh tiredly. "But I should know better, he told me he would accept me but he doesn't want a mate."

  "Am sorry Lin." Ben said in a soft voice.

   "So how are you Ben, mean how you really feel?"

Ben took a while to answer but he finally did. "Am doing gr....fine."

   "What is that supposed to mean?"

  "I sometimes feel a tang of pain in my chest, and loneliness most of the time. But I guess it's because I was ignoring you and for that am sorry." He said ashamed.

   "Hey it's ok, but am not the only reason you're feeling lonely or the reason why your heart is breaking." Linden chuckled on the other end.

  "I don't miss him." Benjamin growled in annoyance.

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