Chapter Three.

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Eli's POV.

Its almost three weeks since school has started and right now am tired of school already. Lincoln and I have the same homeroom and the same classes expect for one, which is creative writing. I wouldn't be caught dead in a class like creative writing, it's for geeks and nerds and that's what am thinking about Lincoln right now. I thought he would have chosen AP bio with me but I guess not.

Walking to my locker is a hassle, everywhere I turn girls came out of nowhere flirting and giggling like idiots in front of me. And the guys, they all want to high five and talk to me. Can't they see that am having an off day, generally.

"What's up E-"

"Don't you dare finish that?" I said blocking a high five from my friend William.

"Come on Eli, why are you such a grumpy pants all the time? William ask, following behind me.

Sometimes I wander why I hang out with this guy, he's such a......i don't know what to call him.

"Dude look." I said, stopping at my locker and opening it.

"What?" William ask, still waiting for me to finish.

"I don't have anything to say." I reply, taking the books I need and closing my locker.

Walking to history class and actually being in history class is a blur, practically the whole morning is a blur. I make my way to the cafeteria and straight to the lunch line. After piling my tray, I went to my usual lunch table, you know, where the most popular kids sits.

"Hey Eli, what happened to you this morning?" Lincoln ask me as I sit beside him.

"What do you mean?' I ask, stuffing my mouth with fries.

"Ugh, gross. Don't talk with your mouth full." I hear the most annoying voice ever, say.

Anastasia Dudley or Zia for short, is the most hated girl in school. I lied, everyone loves her but I don't see what so special about her. She's always cheery, kind to everyone, loves to volunteer and always get good grades. For crying out loud, she's a bloody honor student for fudge sake. See why I hate her, and oh, she's a virgin and yet she's a cheerleader and the captain of the dance team.

"Why don't you mind your own business?" I rolled my eyes at her and turned back to Lincoln.

"So what were you saying bro? you know before that freak butted in."

"You were spaced out this morning, you didn't even waited for me to walk to class together." He said, stealing a fry from my tray. "Oh, lay off Zia. She's a part of our group remember."

Why does everyone loves this girl?

"I don't know, am just having an off day." I reply, scratching my chin in thought.

"Well don't worry about that, I have something to tell you later. But right now I have to go to the gym to talk to coach." He said getting up, leaving me with miss goody too shoe.

"So, you and Lincoln are good friends?" Zia ask, twirling her curly caramel hair around her index finger.

"Yes we are, can't you see that " u reply all snooty.

She moves to the chair Lincoln was just occupying and gently push my tray away when I tried to ignore her.

"What do you want?" I ask through grit teeth.

"Um, d-does know..."

"No, I don't know!" I snap, not letting her finish.

"You didn't let me finish."

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