Chapter Four.

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Eli's POV.

  It's Lincoln's birthday and the pack house is really busy today, everyone's buzzing around to get everything done for the party and the coronation of the new alpha.

   "Today you become a man." I over hear his father telling him.

My father stood there beside them and shower Lincoln with encouraging words, words that I know he will never tell me. Because to him, I am a failed and not worthy for the beta position. I quickly walk away before any of them see me but like always, luck wasn't on my side.

   "Hey Eli!" Lincoln call out to me. I slowly turn to face them, cursing in my mind. "I thought you were at school?" He ask coming up to me.

   "Really, and miss out on my best friend's special and big day." I said, sarcasm lacing my voice.

The truth is I didn't want to go to school today because I wanted to send time with Lincoln before he's too busy to hang out with me. Am happy for him but right now I wish this day didn't come. I know I might sound selfish but this isn't just another birthday, this is his eighteen birthday. Today everyrhing he work so hard for, he's getting today including his second half, his soulmate. It sucks but u I have to just deal with it.

  "If that's true, why is there sarcasm in your voice?" He laugh throwing his hand around my shoulder.

    "You know that's how I roll." I chuckled. "So what do you want to do today?"

   "Want to go for a swim?" Link ask.

   "Yea, sure." I answered but before we could leave Lincoln's dad the former alpha stopped us.

   "Am sorry guys but you should go prepare for the passing down ceremony."

   "I am not getting my beta position until am eighteen." I said.

   "Why?" Alpha Henry questioned.

  "My dad said am not ready." I replied looking at my dad.

   "Is this true Randolph?" Henry turn to his second and his best friend.

   "Yes it is, I think Eli isn't mature enough for the job. Maybe he will be in a few months." My dad replied.

  "Ok if that's the case. Am sorry Eli but Lincoln got to get ready so he will see you later." Henry said before walking away with my dad.

   "Am sorry Eli, I will see you later?" Link ask, looking at me like I would drop dead at anytime.

   "Yea, sure." I responded, walking away.

   I don't know why I feel like this, is it the fact that my dad just said am immature in front of the Alpha and my best friend or is it that he might be right and everyone is moving on without me.

    The whole day flew right pass me and now I can hear the festivity going on at the pack house. I went for a run after I walked away from Lincoln and hasn't been back to the pack house. Running always clear my head and my wolf gets to be free. I wander how it is going to work when I start college next year. Yep you better believe it that I want to go to college. I have always wanted to become a veterinarian and a medical doctor, and that's what I plan to do. Everyone might think that I get bad grades but actually am one of the top honor students, not even Zia isn't smarter than me.

Shifting from my wolf form, I make my way to the pack house and up to my room to shower and get dress. When I made it to the party they already announce Lincoln as the alpha steady has given his speech, and now it's time to find his mate. All the unmated wolves run into the woods sniffing trying to catch their mate's scent.

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