Chapter Six

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Ben's POV.

  I left Linden to go and help one of my frat brother get some more beer from the basement of the frat house. Yes I joined a fraternity and move in with them. Why not enjoy college, I have found my mate and am not failing any classes so why not enjoy myself. Anyway I have just got back from the kitchen and is looking for Linden when I spotted her talking to a guy that look like he should be in high school, he has his head hang low like he didn't care what Linden was saying to him. As he runs his hand in his toulsed blond hair. I instantly get jealous and angrily made my way over to them. There's no way an letting a guy nowhere near my mate, and for him to treat her like that.

  The closer I get a strong smell of musk and pine assaulted my nose, the combination is wonderful and so manly, if I do say so myself. It's so strong that I can smell it over the rancid smells in here. It got stronger as I get closer to them. This guy is a werewolf and am not going to let him steal my mate away. So ignoring the scent and remember the task at hand. The guy seems to notice me but doesn't left his head.

    "Hey, what are you doing near my-" but I didn't get a chance to finish as he decided to look at me and then something weird happen.

  MINE!!! All three of us said.

I was shock at our sudden outburst and I need to know what's happening. I look at the two in front of me and their looks mirrors mine.

   "What's going on?" I question, looking from one to the other.

Silence, all I got is silence. Well until Linden decided to explain.

    "I don't know what's happening but somehow am mated to him too." She said pointing at the guy beside her.

I chance a look at the guy and saw that he is staring at me too, his brows scrunch up in confusion and I can see the gears in his head turning as he tries to figure out what's happening. His emerald eyes stare into mine and I can hear my wolf howling in my head and, I don't know, I just feel content like I have got everything I needed right in front of me. Well I do, Linden, she's my mate. But this guy in front of me is my mate as well and that missing feeling that I used to feel when I met Linden is gone.

    "I know this must be puzzling but I guess he's your mate too. And you know what, that feeling i use to have is gone from I met him. And my wolf doesn't stop purring from you came here." Linden said smiling and coming over to me and holding my hand.

Her feeling is gone as well, I thought something was wrong with me when I started having that feeling but then she said she feels the same way and we started panicking that we weren't real mates. But we were just missing our other half which is this guy. I understand now, there are a few wolves I know about who has two mates. It's a rare thing but it happens and it looks like am in one of this rare relationships.

When I didn't say anything, I felt Linden's hand started to shake and a quiet whimper left her lips. Is she afraid that am going to reject her, no I would never do that. And by the look of things, I don't think am going to like this guy. He stop looking at me and acting like this doesn't concern him too.

   "Linden don't worry, I know why we have been feeling like there's something missing."

   "You do?" She ask, a smile gracing her lips then it faded. Maybe she think it's something bad. The guy suddenly got interested as well and look at me waiting to hear what I have to say.

    "Yes, it's because we have being missing our other half which is him." I said pointing to the guy. Who scoffed and looked away. It's a rare thing but a wolf can have two mates."

   "I know about that because in my pack, there's a set of twins that have the same mate. I don't know if you know his pack but he's alpha Caleb Jennings, of the Moonlight Pack." Linden said smiling at me. "I thought it only happen to twins or other identical siblings."

I look at her fondly while laughing at what she said.

   "You mean people that share a womb?"


We are there laughing our heads off when he decided to speak. Finally.

    "Sorry to interup your happy streak but I don't want to be part of this." He said, moving his hand around the three of us. "I don't want a mate, better yet two of them.' He said in a monotone voice.

See, I knew it. I know I wasn't going to like him. What does he mean he doesn't want a mate? My wolf growl in my head, angry about what he said.

   "What do you mean you don't want a mate?" I snap angrily without not really knowing.

I could care less about this guy but Liden seems to like him, and I find that as more of a problem and less concerning. There's no way am sharing my mate with this mutt. So I don't know what my wolf is getting angry for, I will never accept him.

    "Please, the moon goddess gave you two mates and you're just going to reject us?" Linden ask. Her calm facade slowly breaking with every word she say.

    "Like I said when we first met." He said with attitude as he stare nonchalantly at Linden. "I don't want a mate and am going to reject you, he doesn't really change anything."

The blood in me started to boil and my wolf push to the surface, angry that this jerk is making our mate sad. And by our I mean me and my wolf. And what making him even more angrier is that he doesn't want us, there's no way this low rank commoner wolf can reject two alpha like us, especially me who's royalty. I never use my royal status as an advantage but this guy needs to know who he's dealing with. There's no way he's rejecting me first either.

    "Listen here you big headed f...." But I didn't get to finish as a  possessive growl escape my throat when a guy about 6ft2 with a shade of brownish-blond hair and the most unique grey-bluish eyes, and by the scent radiating off him, he's definitely an alpha. Place a hand onto the jerk' s shoulder.

  Why did I do that for, my wolf, he's the one doing this. I have got to reject him before the bond gets stronger.

Why are you talking about rejecting when that next wolf is touching our mate? My wolf snap at me.

  Who cares, he's not my mate and he doesn't want one. I said back to him.

Humans! He yelled before taking control of my body.

  "Get your hands off my mate." My wolf said through grit teeth.

  The guy's eyes widen and his mouth open in surprise.

   "Eli, you found your mate?" He ask all happy. I don't know why he's so happy, probably wants to get rid of him.

So Eli, that's his name. Such a nice name for a jerk like him.

  Eli scoff at the word mate, then he rolled his eyes and said. "It's two of them." He pointed to me then to Linden.

    "Wow, lucky bastard." The guy whistled.

   Eli glare at him and was about to say something when he was interrupted by someone calling his friend's name.

    "Lincoln, what are you doing over here?" Ask a girl about 5'8 with curly caramel hair and brown eyes, and by the smell, I guess she's Lincoln's mate and also human.

Lincoln. That name ring a bell. Where have I heard it before? It's a common name but I recently heard someone talking about a Lincoln. Anyway that's the least of my problems, I need to find a way to reject Eli and I want it to hurt him.

So this is the end of this chapter and I want you to vote and comment. Thank you, until next time.

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