- Better Developing Your Writing

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Okay, now that you've got a grasp of writing, there are so many ways for you to get better. You can get reviews, critiques, edits, beta readers, or you can join contests! The place to go for these is the Story Services in the forums. You won't be disappointed (or maybe you will?) by what you find.

Read-For-Reads: This is a great way to get support and to give support. Read-for-reads help you get more reads, votes, comments. You're also able to find great stories and make great friends when you do. 

Book Clubs: Book clubs are a great way to get feedback on one's story. Not only that, but you might find some great reads and make some amazing friends. Book clubs can be found all over Wattpad and, to be honest, it might take a while before finding one that really fits you. We, TeamOfDreams, even have our own book club that you all might be interested in. Lost Dreams Book Club.

Applying for an editor, beta reader, or someone to critique your story is also a very good thing to do!

Share-Your-Story Threads: The Share-Your-Story threads are threads in the forums where you can advertise your work. It carries every single genre on Wattpad. While some people find that it doesn't help, many disagree. There have been times where people have found some great reads but had also gained loyal readers themselves. All you do it maybe upload a photo of your cover, add a link, and add your summary. Then, wait for the readers to trickle in. It does take time, though, so don't fret.

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