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At an event, guests should not be made to wait a long time before being served a meal or drink.

When in public, don't ask anyone how much what they have on is worth. If you like their cloth, wristwatch, footwear, handbag, etc and you want to find out if perhaps it's something you can afford for yourself, then ask them privately.

At an ATM stand where there is a long queue, make up your mind on what to do before it gets to your turn e.g remember your pin, how much to withdraw, etc don't be too slow too. Remember there are people behind who are hurriedly waiting for their turn.

Genuflect or bow when greeting someone very much older than you. Also, do not put your hands in your pocket when speaking to someone older than you. (this is culture based)

Some very observant Muslims will not shake hands with members of the opposite sex. They may also sometimes not eat together. Don't initiate any of these situations.

When addressing a group of people and you get a phone call, don't cut the conversation, speech, lecture et al immediately to pick your call. Excuse yourself properly. It's best to switch off your phone. Except there is a real need to do otherwise.

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