Church Etiquette

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Do not litter the church premises with dirts and wraps of food and snack. The church floor shouldn't be covered with the wraps of food you or your kid(s) have eaten.

Don't chew gum or eat inside the church. If perhaps for medical reasons, you need to eat at a certain time, go to your car or outside. Kids who need to eat should also be reasonably controlled.

Come to church really prepared to worship. Don't at any point begin to act restless, bored etc follow every activity.

Switch off your cellphone. Don't check up messages and applications or try to chat when church activity is still going on. Wait till it's over.

When in church, don't stay absent minded. Participate in every activity. Except when ill or not able bodied, if it's required for you to stand or sit, do so and stop acting the opposite of what other people are doing.

Don't keep walking in and out of the church, and don't leave before dismissal. Except there is an emergency.

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