Pianist Levi X Violinist Reader

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A/N : The music here is " 24 Caprices for Solo Violin Op. 1 ( Sheet music )"  by Niccolo Paganini and it's like in the live action movie "Your Lie in April "

Levi's POV

I watched as the lady in white dress bowed at the stage with her violin. Everybody clapped and her friends were cheering for her. Tch...noisy brats. But the lady notices it and she laughed a little bit and put her violin in the side of her neck. She exhaled quietly, making herself to calm down a little bit.

The way she plays her violin was very different from the other contestants. Her play was not boring and instead it was very playful. The way she moves her hand to her violin was very mellow. My god...this girl...she's like a violin virtuoso...

After she played, she bowed at the stage and smiled gracefully. Her friends were cheering while clapping, causing an standing ovation for her. Even the judges were amazed at her and the judges said that because of her playful music she made the judges energized. 

" And now for the contestants who passed...are you ready ? " the emcee said.

The audience started screaming the contestants names many of them are screaming Y/n.

" The qualified for the next round is no other than, Y/n L/n !! Congratulations !! And for the others who did their very best,  thank you and god bless you all ! " the emcee said.

I don't know what this girl have to make me smile...it's not a smirk, it's definitely a smile...I was smiling at her achievement...why ? Maybe because she has playful music that made me happy with it.


A week passed after her competition, I was at the school music room, playing piano. This music room was my escape from the noisy , outside world. This is my resting place. Whenever I am sad, I play piano here...whenever I am happy, I play piano here...

I was interrupted when someone opened the door revealing the lady who joined at the violin contest with her violin , carrying it.

" Are you Y/n ? The lady with the red dress in the violin competition preliminaries ? " I said , making sure that she is Y/n.

" Yes ! I am ! Levi Ackerman right ? Known as the 'Star Pianist'...you were called as that because you became famous at the age of 7 and you even became more famous because you're attractive and handsome !! You won 15 first place trophies , 10 gold medals , and 5 trophies with the name, 'Levi Ackerman , The Star Pianist' for over 5 consecutive years !!"

" Tch...you really know about me huh ? "

" Ummm...o-of course...because I'm one of your admirers and fans...I b-became a v-violinist...because of you..." she said while stuttering.

I can say that this cute brat likes me...
Wait, why did I say cute ?

Y/n's POV

My gosh...Levi Ackerman, my one and only idol and crush...is here and playing piano. And I even talked with him...the rumors are right...he's more handsome in person...

I'll make friends with him so I can know more about him and I can see him playing piano.

" Hey...Y/n... "

" Umm...what is it, Levi ? "

" I'm joining a piano contest in the next 2 weeks and we need an accompanist to join the contest, so...I can see that you have a great potential to be a great violinist so...I want you to be my accompanist , Y/n... "

When I heard what he said , I was very happy. A wave of happiness flows within me...

" Sure !! Why not ? By the way what music you will play ? " I said.

Levi Ackerman X Reader ( Oneshots and Lemons )Where stories live. Discover now