Chapter Three

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April 2019Seattle, Washington

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April 2019
Seattle, Washington

Art leaned against the frame of the open door of the bedroom he shared with his wife, hands casually stuffed in his pockets, watching her fuss over her hair with a flat iron. He knew the name of the machine considering the fact that he had seen her use it more times than he could count. He loved Didi's wild curls, but she hated them, and preferred them straight, because it was more conservative and curly hair was more casual, and god forbid that Didi was anything but casual.

As if feeling his gaze on her, she looked up in the dresser mirror and saw him. He's eyes stayed glued on her, and he didn't have to try to smile, it just came naturally. Her body was changing in the most miraculous ways and knowing she was carrying his child brought an extra level of intimacy that he had never experienced before. It was crazy, whoever thought that Arthur Dylan Carlton would be a father someday? He couldn't believe it when Didi gave the news two months ago, and he still couldn't believe it today.

How did time go by so fast? He thought to himself.

It felt like just yesterday they were at Hollis, sneaking in each other's dorm rooms for a quick make out session and now here they were four years later, adults with careers, a house in a cul-de-sac and a baby coming. For once in his life, Art felt whole, like he mattered. It was a feeling he's been chasing all his life. Finally, he felt it, finally everything was going well, everything except. . .

"How do I look?" Didi's smoky voice shook him from his thoughts.

He pushed away from the wall, and slowly, walked up to her, and actually looked at her for a second. He looked for beauty, and he found it everywhere, her beauty went far beyond her luminous complexion, or her lips that were painted a deep red that reminded him of the blood of the insects he used to crush when he was a kid. 

He could spend all day long complimenting her, write sonnets, leave poetry, whisper sweet nothing's, or just desperately try to explain how much he loved looking at every square inch of her. Art saw what a baby did to her, and it made him want to fill her up with more. 

Didi, who thought his silence was because he didn't like what he saw, turned around and continued fixing herself up. Even though she was in her first trimester, Didi refused to wear frumpy maternity dresses. She had on coated jeans, that sat below on her hips and a poncho that draped around her belly, hiding her little bump, and Art had never seen her so beautiful. 

Finally, he said, "You look absolutely stunning." 

"And you're less than presentable." She threw over her shoulder.

Art looked down at himself, at his briefs with the pin stripes that reminded him of a Nantucket sailor. It was his favorite and showcased his toned legs.

"Its Wade and Tania." He laughed a little. "I think I can go naked." 

"I know for a fact that they wouldn't want to see you naked mon cherie."

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