Chapter Nine

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September 2014Quebec City, Quebec

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September 2014
Quebec City, Quebec

At Hollis the average class size was fifteen students, and that's what Didi loved about her school. Having one-on-one attention from the teachers, less distractions, more instructions and a quiet classroom, all those were the perks of a small class. The downside of being in a close-knit classroom, was every student knew each other and had to develop deep and lasting relationships with each other.

A week after what Didi had dubbed, the unspoken, none-thinking incident, Wade started sitting next to her in class and creating conversations. Nobody found it suspicious, but Didi knew very well that he was doing it all on purpose. He thought that because of what he saw her doing when they were away at Orientation Camp, it automatically made them friends.

They weren't.

Being around him didn't help Didi's obsession with the fact that he knew. He knew more about her than anyone in the school, not even Dr. Hogue (the school's therapist) knew about it. Wade made her feel vulnerable. He made her feel afraid. She was afraid that he would tell everyone that the perfect head girl wasn't perfect after all. Everyone would know that her appearance was just a façade and that under it all, she was a giant mess.

Throughout the morning period Didi's head couldn't stop swirling with thoughts, and Wade's knowing smirk did little to keep her mind focused. She was sick of it and wanted it to stop, wanted him to stop, and that was why when the bell finally rang announcing the end of Biology class, she rushed out of the classroom and waited for Wade to step out so she could talk to him. She needed to know that her secret was safe with him.

As soon as he swaggered out of the classroom, Didi confidently walked up to him, head held high and shoulder's straight and all, but when she saw Arthur right next to him, her steps faltered. The boys were not only roommates but were friends now, or so the rumors around the campus were saying. They two made quite the pair with their towering heights and drop dead gorgeous looks. Arthur, with his blond locks and blue-green eyes appeared to be a fallen angel, while Wade with his artfully messy black hair and his other dark features came across as that dark and brooding guy.

Didi shook her head along with those thoughts.

She couldn't be distracted.

"Wade." She quickly called out to his retreating back.

He turned around, giving her a slight nod. "Alright?"

"Do you have a minute?"

"It depends" - He shoved his hands in the pockets of his school pants -"it's Meatball Monday's, don't want to miss it."

She could feel Arthur's piercing eyes on her, and hear his thoughts from where he stood. He was, without a doubt, wondering what was the status of her relationship with Wade.

"I won't be long."

Wade looked back at Arthur.

"It's cool man." he said, eyeing them both. "I'll be in the dining hall."

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