Chapter Seven

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April 2019

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April 2019

Seattle, Washington

Didi stood in front of the mirror and turned to her side, so she could see her stomach, and slowly, hesitantly, rested her hands on her belly. Pregnancy was supposed to be this period of intense bliss, where you radiated happiness, where you had cravings for little things that were so cute, and how plainly, shouldn't have anything to complain about. 

She experienced such moments, where she felt blessed to be married to the most wonderful man in the world and carrying their little baby, but there were also moments where all she could do was cry because this was too hard for her. The fact that some of the symptoms she was experiencing were too close to what used to be home, with an obsession around food, a lot of vomiting, extreme tiredness, and this feeling of hopelessness that this would never end.

Despite it all, she continued to remind herself that she wasn't that girl anymore, and she had left her in the past. She constantly reminded herself that there was nothing wrong with her, and she would be fine.

"I'll be fine," she whispered to her reflection in the mirror.

"Yes you will be." There was a soft step behind her, and then his hands were on her waist. "Bubbles, I know that these past few months have been really hard on you. I want you to know that I'll always be here for you, you know you can always count on me."

Didi's heart melted at his words and the use of her nickname.


After their first "date" Art had told Didi he was stuck in her bubble and has called her that ever since that day.

She turned around, and tentatively raised her arms around his neck, and his throat hummed in pleasure. "Thank you."

"No need to thank me, I love you and our baby. You are both the most important people in my life."

He smiled down into her eyes and she looked right at him, at his blue eyes that were so young, quick, and warm, making her heart contract with love.

"We love you too, and are lucky to have you."

He pulled her into his arms, it was a warm gentle embrace that had no urgency. When he held her like this it was like the world stood still, if only for a split second, and then everything came rushing back. Like being calmly underwater, and then coming up for air, the noise rushes back to your ears. 

"I have to get to work." She stepped back, breaking their embrace, glancing around. "I think I might be able to find a new lead with the sociopath."

She located her bag pack on the bed and moved to get it. 



"Just, be careful."

"Always." She blew him a kiss and left the room.

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