Chapter Ten

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September 2014

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September 2014

Quebec City, Quebec

Hollis Academy of Excellence wasn't your average boarding school, to the outside world it was a place the elite sent their children to get the best education, but only the ones inside knew, Hollis was a home to troubled youth. It was a place that forced teens to work on their mindsets, deal with the issues that led them to acting out, and develop coping skills, a place of utmost excellence.

When Tania first arrived at the school and found out the real reason she was there, an overwhelming anger took over her and she hated her father for thinking there was something wrong with her. For dumping her here like she was some sort of psycho, but after her first session with Dr. Hogue, she realized that he never thought she was troubled. He wanted her to speak about her emotions, which was something she never attempted to do with him.

Therapy had helped her seek within herself and speak about all the emotions she stored inside her. It helped her find acceptance in her life, acceptance of her mother's death and acceptance of what happened to her five years ago. Talking about her emotions helped her heal, and that was why she never missed a session with Dr. Hogue and always made sure she was early.

Today was no different, she sat in the familiar office, patiently waiting for Dr. Hogue, at first his candles and feathers worried her. The surroundings seemed too hippish for a professional dressed in all black. However, he understood her and, more importantly, helped her to gain a better understanding of herself.

The space was dark with a couch covered by a rug, but an environment that she once found alienating and caused her to close up now felt comfortingly womb-like. In his space, Tania was ready to spill her guts, often forgetting that he was forty-five years older than her, and not her friend, but therapist. She made it a habit of throwing herself onto the couch instead of facing him in equal and enveloping chairs, and that's how Dr. Hogue found her when he walked in the room.

He brought his executive chair in front of the couch that Tania sat in, warmth in his brown eyes.

"Good day Miss Petrov, my apologies for keeping you waiting."

She smiled. "Hello Dr. Hogue."

"How do you do this afternoon, are you well?"

"Yes I am."

"Good, then it ought to be a good session." He mused, a well-worn notebook open in his lap. "Let's get to it shall we. . . Tell me about your summer break. How did it feel like being back home with your father."

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