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Chapter Twelve

October 2014

Quebec City, Quebec

It was only after three weeks of being stuck at Hollis, that Art finally got to see his family. Well, it was the first day of Family Weekend and he was hoping his parents would show up, most importantly Addie. The past weeks at the school had been shitty and Art believed that he didn't belong there. He had tried finding his way out, but the place was secured like the prison that he thought it was. The only two people keeping him sane was Wade and Didi.

Wade, not just because he was Art's roommate and he had to deal with his crap, but because Art realized that he was a cool person to hangout with. Then there was Didi, whom he spent most of his time fantasizing about. They engaged in small talk here and there, and that was about it, but he hoped for more.

Art stepped out of the shower and was back in his dorm room, dressing into his regular uniform, not Monday's uniform. He rolled his eyes as he buttoned up his white Oxford shirt, but didn't bother wearing his tie. Art never wore a tie. He wore his crested sweater over the shirt and pulled on his beige dress pants, leaving his shirt untucked.

He hated wearing uniform, at his old school back in California, Art wore whatever he wanted. Uniforms was one of things on the long list that sucked about Hollis. He didn't want his parents to see him like that, because it meant that he had accepted being there and god forbid that he even liked it there. He released a grunt as he slipped into his black dress shoes.

"What's up bro?" Wade said, as he entered the room. "You ready to see your parents?"

"Hell yeah and convince them to get me out of this hell hole."

"Goodluck with that, I've lost count on how many times I've begged my uncle."

"I don't beg."

"Right, so you just demand."


Wade shook his head, a smile playing at his lips.

The boys left the room and seconds later, walked out of the dorm building. The quad was hustling and bustling with students, all who seemed very excited about Family Weekend.

Its not like your parents are coming to get you out of here. Art thought to himself.

They followed the crowd of students to St-George Hall. The headmaster had announced at assembly yesterday that their parents would arrive after breakfast. They approached their usual table, which they happened to share with Didi and her best friend, Tania. Art found out that Tania was actually Russian and her full name was Tatiana Vladmirovna Petrov which he thought was as Russian as a name could get.

"Hey." Wade and Art greeted in unison, over the noisy chatter in the room.

"Hi." Didi said.

Tania smiled up at them. "Hey guys."

Art slid in next to Didi, while Wade sat next to Tania.

He could smell Didi's scent, it reminded him of rich coffee beans on a cold winter morning, but yet there was a note of vanilla and a refreshing dose of jasmine creating a sweet sensuality to balance its intensity. It was seductively intoxicating. He had to fight the urge not to pull her into his arms and breathe her in like she was his life support. 

She looked breathtaking and smart as always, her navy blue tunic with its sash was neatly ironed and worn with her white Oxford shirt and Hollis tie. Her super-glossy ringlets were tied into a high ponytail accessorized with a silver strand.

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