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Chapter Fourteen

October 2014Quebec City, Quebec

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October 2014
Quebec City, Quebec

The theatre was filled with over four-hundred people, but as Wade and his fellow drama club members performed their play, his eyes were focused on Daniella sitting in the front row. Almost every student in the room was with their family, but she was all alone, her parents hadn't made it to Family Weekend.

An odd and unfamiliar feeling settled in the pit of his stomach as he continued to watch her and that's why when the play ended, he walked up to her and invited her to spend the weekend with him and his uncle. He expected her to be her sassy self and tell him off, but she didn't. She accepted, leaving Wade both surprised and excited. Who wouldn't want to spend time with Daniella White?

Wade led them to Hank, who stood at the refreshments table, drinking juice and chatting to two other parents. When Hank saw his nephew approaching him, he set the paper cup on the table and excused himself from the couple.

"You ready to go kid?" He asked.

"Yeah," Wade scratched his head, "Uh, can my friend Daniella join us?"

"Sure, I'm Hank."

"Pleasure to meet you Hank," Daniella smiled, "Thank you for allowing me to spend the weekend with you."

"Don't mention it, Wadey here doesn't talk much, so extra company will be refreshing." Hank finished with a wink.

Wade stood there, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. His uncle was rather a chatty person and he was afraid of what he'd reveal to Daniella.

Is this a good idea? He wondered.

"Let's hit the road." Hank announced.

They followed the rest of the families leaving the theatre. Outside, the fall breeze blew at Wade's hair, giving it a more disheveled appearance. Golden and russet brown leaves carpeted the lawn and footpaths, earning a smile of appreciation from Wade.

Fall was his favorite time of the year. There was just something about it that excited him and he felt his best during the season. Perhaps it was because it was the last month he had spent with his parents before they died.

Wade hopped inside the passenger's seat of Hank's Chevrolet Silverado, while Daniella went to her room to pack a bag.

He turned in his seat and faced his uncle. "Could you not say much with Daniella around?"

Hank watched his nephew, a twinkle in his round brown eyes. "You like her."

"What?" Wade asked with a bewildered expression.  "No, I don't, I just, can you not scare her off?"

"Don't worry," Hank said with a chuckle, "I won't tell her any of your secrets if that's what you're worried about."


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