Chapter Eleven

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April 2019

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April 2019

Seattle, Washington

Three days after Tania's death threat...

Art woke suddenly, every thought in high definition, his eyes took in every ray of light in the room and he couldn't quite understand why he had woken up. Then came the incessant pounding, violent and loud, he shifted meeting the empty and cold side of the bed, only his compulsive, self-disciplined wife was capable of waking up before seven on a Sunday. 

The pounding continued, drawing a grunt out of him, he climbed out of bed, slipped into a pair of sweatpants and followed the noise downstairs. He stopped in front of the door, his hand on the bamboo latch, hesitating to undo it.

"Open the door Art, I can hear you breathing!" Wade's voice came from the other side.

He cracked the door open, and stepped back as Wade wasted no time, barging right past him. 

"Where is she?" 

"Good morning." Art still held the door open. "Please by all means, come in." 

"Save me the chit-chat mate, where the bloody hell is she?"

He turned away from the door and examined him, his eyes taking him in from head to toe. Dressed in his normal attire, a suit without a tie and one shirttail was untucked, his face unshaven and several strands of dark hair were standing on end. It was the first time Art was seeing him this unkempt, and he couldn't help but be concerned.

"Hey, buddy, can you tell me what's going on?"

"I want her here first."

"Fine then. Can we at least sit down and get a cup of coffee while we wait? I could sure use one, don't know about you."

"Can't be arsed." He grunted, but still followed him into the kitchen.

After brewing a pot of coffee, Art poured himself a cup and leaned against the counter, watching his best friend thoughtfully as he sipped the coffee. Wade paced restlessly around the room, stopping only to run his fingers through his disheveled hair. The only time he did that was when he was angry, worried or stressed about something and something told Art it was all three. The room was silent, and the air filled with tension, then a few seconds later, they heard the deadbolt turn and the front door opened.

"In the kitchen honey." Art called out. 

"Babe, I thought you'd still be in bed. Why are you -" Didi stopped in her tracks. "- What is he doing here?"

Wade pulled out a purple-cased phone from the inside of his suit jacket, and then forced it into her palm. "Your guy's sending death threats now. He threatened to kill Tania, he's watching her."

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