Chapter 14 - Crisis On Earth X

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Savitar had finally returned back to Central City after getting a direct message from Caitlin if he'll be coming to the party at Jitters, obviously he accepted only to not make himself completely insane, now the hard part was to come up with a fake ploy for everyone to believe.

Savitar had sped around Central City trying to find something presentable to everyone and soon he decided on a simple black dress shirt with matching pants and a midnight trench coat to go along with it. He had to say himself it was surprising to see himself so...freshened up? No matter what, he sped over to Jitters and made his way inside slowly as everyone slowly turned their gaze to him and started saying things. some bad, some questioning, some were just random like how he got his scar. Savitar couldn't bare the stares of everyone and was beginning to lose his patience before he came up with a plan for both him and Barry. "Hey there, Bro."

Everyone was aghast, Barry had a twin brother? How come he never mentioned it? The questions were being thrown all over the place. "I'm sorry to intrude, but I just had to come see my brother and his fiance. I only just came to see him a week ago. We were split at birth and I was given to a foster family...please call me Sebastian, Sebastian Smythe" he told them all as everyone fell silent. "Please do continue your evening, this is for Barry and Iris after all" he said gently as he Immediately went over to the bar and began drinking despite it having no effect. Everyone had returned to what they were doing with some still questioning his sudden appearance, just then Caitlin and Cisco approached him with a smirk on their faces "so...Sebastian Smythe huh?" Cisco chuckled out slightly "I think it's a great name, it suits him" Caitlin blurted out as Savitar glanced up at them both "yeah yeah well I only remember that name because of an earth I went to, non stop singing...I swear Barry would've felt at home" he joked as they both looked down at him.

The night continued on with many laughs, jokes and altogether a fun experience, even Savitar was for the first time in so long was actually enjoying the time he was spending with everyone. Joe slowly began to give a speech on how important love is and how important both Barry and Iris means to him and how they have shown him how to love again as he brought Cecile next to him. All this time, Savitar couldn't keep his gaze from Caitlin as she couldn't break her gaze either. As Joe finished his speech and everyone cheered for Barry and Iris, Savitar simply mouthed the words 'I love you...always' Caitlin's eyes began to tear up as she walked over to him and slowly walking them both outside unbeknownst to them that someone had watched them leave.

Savitar was taken by surprise as Caitlin had Immediately kissed him, there was no lust, no heat to it. It was simple yet passionate, from that moment they both knew their true feelings. The door then swung open and there stood Cisco "ohhh my god?!" He exclaimed as Savitar Immediately covered his mouth and brought him away from the gaze of everyone else "would you shut up!?" Savitar whisper yelled. Cisco shook as he pointed at Savitar then to Caitlin "you?...and you? How? When?" Cisco began asking frantically as Caitlin sat him on the bench as Savitar leaned against the wall. Caitlin began to explain everything from the beginning, not leaving out, as she finished Cisco was holding his head in his hands as he was trying to process everything "you can't tell anyone. We don't want people to know yet" Savitar told him as Cisco groaned loudly before glancing at Caitlin who was nearly on the edge of a break down, he sighed softly as he nodded gently "ok...I won't say a word, I promise" he told them as Caitlin immediately wrapped her arms around him "thank you" she told him shakily as Savitar nodded with her as he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder "yes..thank you" he said as Cisco nodded and slowly walked back in. Savitar and Caitlin let out a sigh of relief as they both just sat there, holding each other and looking up at the black canvas of the night just enjoying their time together.

The next day had arrived as everyone was gathering at the wedding chapel, Savitar remained away in the back, standing by the columns to not draw attention to himself but surprisingly someone did come up to him but it was no one he has seen before yet, something about her seemed to give off a familiar vibe "lovely day isn't it?" She asked as Savitar grunted slightly as he checked his phone, the girl continued to ask him questions "how'd you get that scar?" She asked as Savitar slowly lost his patience "look just leave me alone alright, I don't know who you are and I don't care now go" he growled slightly as in the corner of his eye, he managed to see a single tear drop from her eye and this caught him by surprise "ok...nice meeting you Savitar" she said and just like that, she was gone...wait how did she know who he was?

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