Chapter Twelve: Amy & Lee

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I pushed in the button on the side of the watch, but nothing happened.

"Try holding it in until the watch turns on." Adrian suggested. "If it even works."

I followed Adrian's advice and held the button down. After a few seconds the screen brightened, and a white triangle appeared in the center of the screen.

"It's working." I said, releasing the button. We stared down at the watch, waiting to see what would happen next. The black screen transitioned into a pleasant abstract background composed of different shades of pink and red. 

"Hello." A soft female voice sounded from the watch. "Welcome to the Delta Smartwatch. Please select the identity of the assistant that you would like to have."

Two white boxes with the words Male and Female appeared in the center of the screen. I looked up at Adrian.

"What should I do?" I asked. 

He shrugged. "Just pick one." 

I randomly selected Female and another box appeared, but this time it was empty.

"Please choose the name you want to call your assistant. Say the name aloud and it will be dictated into the box."

Again I looked over at Adrian.

"Uh, Caitlin." He said. The name appeared in the box and a question popped up. Are you sure you want the name Caitlin? I pressed Yes and everything on the screen disappeared, leaving only the background.

"Man, I feel like I've been shut off forever!" A sudden male voice sounded loudly out of the watch. "Like, seriously! I was starting to wonder if you guys forgot about me or something!" 

Adrian and I stood frozen, staring down at the screen. Nothing had changed on the screen, but I was confused as to why the voice speaking wasn't female like we had chosen.

"Wait a minute." The watch said. "I don't know you. Where's the team? Wait, I haven't been sold, have I? They told me I was just a prototype! I wasn't supposed to be sold!"

"Um, hello?" I asked. "Are you...Caitlin?"

"Caitlin?" The watch repeated, sounding baffled. "Who's Caitlin? I'm not Caitlin. If you're looking for a Caitlin then you have the wrong watch. My name's Lee. Tell me, who are you guys? What even happened to me? Where's everyone I know?" 

I looked over at Adrian, wondering how the watch was able to see us. 

"Um, my name is Adrian, and she's Reagan." He said slowly. "Uh, who are the people that you're talking about?"

"My friends!" Lee insisted. "The people who designed me of course! I see them every single day. Where are they?"

"Uh, they're not here anymore." Adrian said slowly.

"What? Where are they?"

"They died a long time ago." I blurted out. As soon as I did Adrian shot me a glare.

"Died?! What do you mean died? What happened while I was shut off?!" Lee demanded.

"Do you know Elsa?" Adrian asked.

"Don't tell me that she had anything to do with this!" Lee said. "I told them that she was a horrible idea!" He paused for a moment and no one said anything. "Well, tell me where Amy is at least. This is the one thing that she agreed with me about."

"Amy?" I asked. "Who's that?" 

"She's literally right over there." Lee said. Adrian and I both looked up but nothing in the room had changed.

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