Chapter Twenty-Two: The Paper

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"Look, I know you guys tend to ignore my warnings, but unless you actually want to die this time, you should listen to me." 

"What's in there?" Jason asked, crossing his arms. "And why are there no lights?"

"Trust me, it'd be a lot worse if that thing in there could see us."

"Hurry up Lee, we want to get out of here," I urged, getting an uneasy feeling about what we were getting into.

"Look, there's this...robot. I don't even know why he exists in the first place. Some dumb experiment that people wanted to try or something. Anyways, remember those 'homicidal' robots I was telling you about? He's one of them. Fricken' creepy too. They said it was one of those 'AI gone mad' situations, but honestly, why would you make something that creepy in the first place? As far as I know, it serves no purpose but to scare people."

Lee was rambling. "Who are you talking about?" I prompted.

"He has some long name that I honestly can't remember. We nicknamed him Kevin, because you'd think that naming something scary with a non-threatening name would make it less scary, right? Wrong. I honestly think that we gave him even more power by naming him."

I sighed in exasperation and glanced over at Jason. I didn't know why Lee kept saying 'we' or what he was even talking about anymore. 

"Forget it Lee. Just turn on the flashlight for me, and we'll be in and out. Whatever's in there should be powered off anyway."

"No don't go in there! Do you really think Elsa wouldn't have powered him on? Are you crazy?"

To be honest, he had a good point. 

"We're going in there no matter what, so just tell us what we need to avoid," Jason said. 

"He can't see in the dark, so no matter what, do not  turn on any flashlight. In fact, I'll be powering myself off because one: I do not want to be involved in this, and two: I don't want him to see the light of my screen. There are three rules that you need to follow if you don't want to die. You can't make a sound. He has crazy good hearing and will hear almost anything. Whatever you do, do not  make eye contact. In fact, close your eyes the whole time. I know it's weird because he technically can't see in the dark, but trust me, he can see your eyes. Once again, I didn't create this thing, so don't ask me how or why. If you feel like he's close to you, freeze and don't move a muscle. He won't sense you if you're still. Now tell me this; do you still insist on going in there?"

I was honestly ready to turn around and ask Elsa to take me back to the test chambers, but I forced myself to be brave. Sure, I was majorly creeped out and would have preferred to stay in this room until I died from starvation, but we really had no choice. We were going in.

Maybe I can volunteer to stay behind and open the door for Jason, I thought wistfully. But despite my fear, I still had some dignity, and I wasn't selfish enough to send Jason in alone while I stayed behi-hold on.

"Um Lee?" I asked. "Is there a way to get back in through the door from the outside?"

"Wow, I totally forgot to mention that! Man, we all could have died in there! To answer your question, there is not. Typically there's a group of people in here, and if for any reason anyone needed to go out, someone always stayed behind to open the door back up."

I paled at what this meant. Either Jason or I would have to stay behind to open the door. I didn't know what was more scary; that one of us would be going in there alone, or that if I hadn't brought up the subject of the door, we would've been trapped in there without knowing it.

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