Chapter Twenty-Seven: Reunited

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When I finally figured out how to locate my visor and push it up, I found myself lying on the floor. Groaning, I pushed myself up onto my knees, feeling extremely weak. As soon as I was in an upright position, I immediately slapped a hand over my mouth, feeling the urge to vomit.

After a few moments, the feeling passed, and I glanced down at my side to see that the temporary bandage I had created out of a piece of my shirt was soaked through with blood.

"Lee, what's wrong?" I asked hoarsely, feeling light-headed and dizzy. "Why do I feel so bad?"

"The lack of food you've had over the time you've been awake is causing you to experience symptoms of starvation, and your wound is in critical condition. If left untreated, it can become infected and lead to disease."

"So I'm pretty messed up right now," I said as I attempted to stand up. This resulted in me standing shakily for a solid two seconds before my knees gave out again.

"You need help," Lee said, stating the obvious.

"Thanks Lee. Unfortunately, there is currently no one available to help me at this moment. How long do I have until I starve to death?"

"I'd say more than a week or even two. Starvation is a slow process. You'd almost definitely die from an infection before you die from starvation."

I moaned, all too aware of the gaping hole in my stomach caused by the hunger gnawing at me. I needed something, anything, to sustain me. 

Having nowhere to go and nothing to accomplish, I decided to accept my fate and wait for death.  As I collapsed back on the floor, I wondered if I had always been such a quitter. 

I don't know how long I was out for. When I finally regained consciousness, it was because of a voice chattering loudly beside me. Irritated, I tried to open my eyes. But as soon as I cracked open my eyelids, the room was so bright that I decided to retreat back into the darkness. Moving too much was painful. I much preferred my dark and peaceful place.

The only thing was, I couldn't fall asleep again. Whoever was talking wouldn't shut up. I realized after a few moment that it was Lee who was talking, and I tried to tell him to be quiet. I was aware my words came out in nothing more than a weak mumble though.

Who is he even talking to?  I wondered, annoyed that he was being so disruptive. I tried to tune him out and return to my sleep when I vaguely became aware of hands on me.

That's weird, I thought, about to brush away the thought when panic suddenly shot through me.

OH MY GOD!  I thought, shooting upright. My mind felt jumbled, and for a moment I thought that Lee was touching me, which was obviously very wrong.

As soon as I sat up, the bright light stung my eyes and I broke into a coughing fit. Every violent cough jerked my aching body, and pain spread all over.

After about ten seconds, I managed to calm down, gather my thoughts, and fully open my eyes. 

"What's going on?" I croaked, wincing as the words seemed to grate along my throat. 

"Bloody hell, that was a bit over-exaggerated, don't you think?" Lee said, and I scowled, blinking against the light. "Try and wake up like a normal person next time. Jesus Christ."

I ignored him, not a fan of his attitude. 

I finally managed to fully open my eyes after a few more attempts, and cleared my throat. I looked up, trying to remember what had happened, and gasped.

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