Chapter Fourteen: The Elevator

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"Reagan and I found these watches." Adrian said, holding his arm out so Jason could see. 

Jason studied the watch on his wrist. "Do they do anything?"

"Well, yeah. They're prototypes of some watches that Delta was developing. Basically they're like assistants. You're supposed to ask questions or ask them to do something, and they do it." I explained.

"They have pretty strong personalities though." Adrian added. 

"Can you show me?" Jason asked. 

"Lee decided to power off for a while." I said. "And then Amy did too."

"So who is who?" 

"This one is Lee." I showed him the watch on my wrist.

Adrian looked down at his watch. "The bottom line is, I think that they can be really helpful to us." He tapped the screen slightly. "Well, if they would turn on, that is." 

"Anyways, that's about it for us. Show us what you found." I said, turning back to Jason.

Jason stood up and picked up the map that he had rolled up.

"It's a little damp because I found it under a leaking water pipe." He explained as he unrolled it.

He finished and held up the map so we could all see.

"I found this while I was looking around in one of the buildings. From what I could gather, I think that it shows the layout of the entire layer we are on."

"Lee told me that the facility has hundreds of levels." I said. "He also told me that there are only three elevators in the facility that lead to the surface."

"Look," Jason pointed to a spot on the map. "This right here is an elevator. I'm not sure if it's one of the ones that lead to the surface, but no matter what, I think that we need to move up. I bet that the other levels in this place will have something that can help us."

"Then let's make that the plan." Adrian said. "I agree that we need to get off this level. There's clearly not much else here, at least from what I can tell."

"Is there a way that we can tell what's on each level?" Ella asked. "We need to know what we're looking for." 

"Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing as of yet." 

"I feel like we don't have enough information to get out of here yet." I pointed out. It was something that had been nagging me for a little while. Everyone looked at me. I felt like I was making a bold statement. "Think about it. We don't know where the elevators are. We don't know how we're going to get out of here without Elsa noticing. Speaking of Elsa, she's been oddly quiet, don't you think? With Ella escaping and us running all over the place, don't you think that she would've done something by now?" 

"Maybe she doesn't care about us anymore." Jason sat back down on the couch and propped his elbow up on armrest. 

Adrian shook his head. "No, I agree with Reagan. She took Ella for a reason, but hasn't been pursuing us. That brings us to our next question; what is Elsa's goal?"

Ella furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?" 

"I mean, she clearly needs us for something. She took Ella and was going to take me and Jason before we escaped." He shot a sideways glance at me. "She doesn't seem particularly interested in Reagan from what I can tell, which makes things even more confusing. Elsa is looking for something in us. Something that she doesn't see in Reagan, making Reagan not her main concern."

"I guess we need to add that to the list of stuff we have to figure out." Jason sighed. "On top of everything else." 

"That's why we need to go up." I looked around at them. "We're not going to find answers sitting in the same place. You guys have been here for a month." I directed the statement at Adrian and Jason. "I don't think we're going to find anything else here that could help us. I could be wrong, but we need to keep exploring." 

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